Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The closest American equivalent is high school.

We didn’t have any advance notice of this. The decision was made this morning effective at the end of the day. So there was no time to prepare.

Toss that on top of us not having any online learning platform to use and aside from some material I was planning to do later in the week and early next week, the students pretty much have time off.

I hope they disinfected the hell out of their smurfs beforehand at least


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I guess. FWIW, 2 minute Google says herd immunity for flu is maybe 40% at 1.8 contagious rate, and ebola 60% at 2.5. So half for herd immunity is in the right ballpark if everybody infects 2.2 more people.

This has got to vary with population density no?



I assume so. That’s why social distancing slows stuff down.

Dear Leader must always be effusively praised before all else.

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There’s an entire subreddit dedicated to mapping out coronavirus cases all over the world

That said, they’re a bit off when it comes to the CR but it’s forgivable.

It’s going to be way more likely that, say, 30% contract the virus, but we only know that 20% of them (so 6% overall) contracted it due to them showing symptoms or whatever.

As a result, when it’s lifted, ~30% have immunity. Then if people take a few more precautions than they were a month ago, maybe 40% of the remaining 70% get it, and you’re essentially seeing a volume of cases that matches the lockdown and that hospitals can manage.

I’m just guessing numbers here, but I’m trying to illustrate the point that even if we don’t have herd immunity, the curve may be flat enough after the lockdown is lifted that even if it spreads, hospitals can handle it.

Maybe even after the lockdown you take relatively light steps to try to reduce spread still - asking businesses in communities to stagger their work hours a bit, ask them to try to have employees who can WFH do so once or twice a week on a rolling basis, and urging everyone with any symptoms of any cold to stay home and WFH.

I wouldn’t stop getting exercise right now, that’s important.

Obviously I am not a doctor, etc, etc, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night… Well either that or I read the Chinese report on all of the symptoms/treatments.

Given your location, IMO it’s pretty likely that you do have COVID-19 given your symptoms. If you experience any shortness of breath, I think you should go to the ER immediately. Your age makes it unlikely that you will have a severe case, but it’s not impossible. Depending on your level of concern, you may want to get a pulse oximeter on Amazon shipped to you ($15-20) and keep an eye on it. If your blood O2 gets down below 93%, it’s time to go to the hospital based on the findings in China.

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We have a gym in the apartment. We wouldn’t stop excersing, just stop going to a public gym.


Sounds like a no brainer IMO.

Fly to Scotland instead, we don’t leave the sick out in the cold like england

Yikes! 23 new cases today in the Czech Republic! From 38 to 61 cases!

They must have known this announcement was coming and wanted to get ahead of it.

That one community-spread infection was enough to get 20+ more. Speaking of him:

Source: Rychlý nárůst. V Česku už je 63 lidí nakažených novým koronavirem -

Friends of ours work at an international school in Paris. Last week they got told that the school has bought Zoom and that when the shutdown order comes they will continue to teach that way. There will be a familiarisation class this week.

I’m not a teacher, but it sounds like an absolute joke of a situation.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see the school try that. Some teachers at my school have set up Google Groups for their classes but let’s be honest, there aren’t going to be any lessons taught. They might give a bunch of homework to do over the 3 weeks and check it when they get back but that’s pretty much it. No way are students going to jump online for class if they aren’t familiar with the concept of online learning in advance.