Coronavirus (COVID-19)


I’m in Davis, CA. I’m 36 and don’t have underlying health issues.

Since my 3 year old was sick already I’m slightly less panicky but will self-quarantine anyhow (I basically self quarantined as is).

I guess we’ll find out from China. Clearly most of their major cities don’t have herd immunity yet. So maybe in a few weeks they let people from Wuhan back onto the streets, but still restrict them from traveling outside the city?

I’m gonna try and spend today convincing my roommates to start taking this seriously. The fact that their roommate for the last week has been getting rid of everything he doesn’t need and is cleaning everything of his and retreating to his room hasn’t sunk in for them yet. I’m going to a movie with my mom this afternoon and I’m going to tell her that this is it and she needs to start staying home and avoiding crowds before this gets out of control. hopefully she’ll listen.


I wouldn’t go anywhere near a hospital right now if I didn’t have to.


There is also the issue that if your country does a good job and eradicates it, it’ll just be brought in from other countries and will come around and around.

That’s still better as it flattens the curve, but it sucks that this will keep going for a long time until it somehow dies out or enough people get it that there is good herd immunity.

So all you can do in a situation where it’s possible that a high % will have to get it before it’s contained is to stretch out the time between now and then so that the number of cases is slow and steady rather than swift with a high peak. But longer term containment to do that is expensive both economically and also due to the other effects it has on people (eg poor people and people with jobs they can’t take time off from but their industry is slowed to a crawl by the containment methods. But allowing a peak is also expensive economically and with other effects like people not being able to be treated for ANY issue because capacity is full trying to keep corona patients alive.

Right and I think that’s what’s really going to freak people out if it happens - to make it through containment and think you’re finally out of the woods - only to see the virus take off again. That’s when things get really ugly imo.

If I’m already home and burning up, can I at least touch my face? :frowning:

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Two different coworkers sneezing within 10’ of me.

You’re assuming we will overreact in a good way, which isn’t something this country is exactly known for. Our overreaction to several thousand dead on 9/11 has resulted in millions dead after 19 years, and we’re not done yet.

Look at who’s in charge if we decide to officially overreact. That should alarm the heck out of you.


Rennes (France) (AFP) - The mayor of a small French town on Tuesday defended hosting a record-breaking gathering of 3,500 people dressed as Smurfs at the weekend, after accusations that the event increased the risks of spreading the coronavirus.

“We must not stop living… it was the chance to say that we are alive,” mayor Patrick Leclerc of Landerneau in western France told AFP.


Everyone talks about the whole country’s reaction and big government, but there was a swift and decisive reaction. Johnny got himself and his wife and pushed forward getting other people at his work the ability to stay home. That’s a big thing for a bunch of people and wasn’t done at the end of a National Guard bayonet.

As for myself? I work alone anyway. I’m washing hands, not touching face, using sanitizer, not shaking hands, and telling the people who might listen to me to do the same.


What kind of school are you at? Is there no plan for teachers to work with students digitally or whatnot? Is it basically just a break for the students?

I assume a can of Lysol would work just as well.

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FWIW sneezing is NOT a common symptom. Hopefully they have allergies, otherwise enjoy that garden variety cold.

My wife is continuing to go to her kickboxing workout class twice a week. I stopped going rock climbing for awhile. Both of us keep going back and forth on if she should keep going.