Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Is FoxNews repeating it? Trump needs to say it loud and clear before they will. Less than 24 hours ago he tweeted comparing this to the flu and minimizing it.

I’ll know when the moron’s on my timeline and Chiefsplanet stop calling it a media hoax and just like the flu.

A snort of everclear up each nostril will sanitize things I heard.


SK is within their hospitals’ capacity to deal with it. Italy has more than their hospitals can treat.

It’s probably actively bad to go to the doctor to get tested for coronavirus if you have non-severe symptoms. Assume you have it, stay home and only go to the doctor if you get seriously ill.

Also to prevent the spread of disease, remember, you can pick your nose and you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose.

no clip available, some of you may get the reference


Everclear can also serve as molotov cocktail ingredient when the shit goes down. I think we found our staple product here. Fuck TP.


Now y’all are just wasting good liquor.

Ok, maybe not good. But potent.


If I’m going down I want to do it drinking jungle juice

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I completely agree that more needs to be done, especially from the head idiot, but I’m at least glad to see these guidelines going out. Kinda freaky actually, and what made me consider cancelling class today.

Tucker Carlson is officially shook and taking it seriously. He even criticized Trump without actually naming Trump which is as close as he’s ever going to get. Hannity is still ok board the flu whataboutism though.

Tucker wants to play up how bad it is so he can engage in anti-Asian xenophobia. It’s an interesting dynamic.

Only a crazy person goes to Costco for one thing.

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I think this one has shown itself to be a significant threat. Everything has a threshold. I think this one has crossed the line. You can have your opinion but it’s how we act as a society that matters.

Tough in a society like ours.

I have gone to Costco for one thing. I doubt I’ve ever left Costco with just one thing.


It depends on how it’s handled. South Korea literally has drive-thru coronavirus tests that take 10 minutes to process. They’ve tested over 100,000 people at a rate nearly 7 times higher than any other country. No surprise that only 54 people have died out of 7,513 cases.

Meanwhile, the head of HHS doesn’t know how many people have been tested. That’s fucking insane! It’s the most basic information out there and the guy who’s supposed to have all the answers has nothing. Maybe it won’t be Spanish flu levels in America but it ain’t gonna be South Korea either.

Thanks, people. Been avoiding this thread because even I have a threshold for terrible news it seems, but just got caught up and it’s given me the impetus I needed to tell my parents (including my 70+ year old Dad who had a heart attack ~6 months ago) that they can’t fly to visit us (in Paris from northern UK) next week.

I’d persuaded them to see their GP this week to seek advice, but I doubt they’ll straight up tell them no so I’ll be stepping in if/when. It’s a trip primarily to see their only grandchild and so it will break my and their hearts, but overall less than if the little darling / germ-magnet kills them, so seems the correct play.


Whoa hey no need to resort to cannibalism… yet.


I’m starting to see the shift on Chiefsplanet from “The media is evil and can’t be trusted, this is just like the flu.” to “The media is evil and can’t be trusted, so it’s not our fault we didn’t believe them.”

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In addition to shutting down schools, the Czech government has banned all gathering with more than 100 people.

The reason for such a change is that containment was broken yesterday as the first community-spread case of coronavirus has been diagnosed in the country. Before this it was either travel-related or person-to-person spread between somebody who brought it in from abroad. Once containment breaks, that’s it. Gotta take more drastic measures to minimize the spread since it’s now in the open.

Rumors are that the policies will last through the rest of March. While it’s nice for me to have 3 weeks paid off, it sucks for basically anybody with any responsibility outside of themselves. Plus, those weeks are probably going to be made up in July which is when I was planning to work elsewhere.

It definitely seems extreme to do this but what’s happened in Italy has pretty much scared every politician half to death in Europe. No politician wants to be responsible for another Italy-style outbreak.

That said, most people in the Czech Republic aren’t going insane. My colleagues tell me that it’s madness at Makro (Czech’s answer to CostCo). But I get most of my food at tiny food marts and express stores which have full shelves.

I still don’t really get what’s going to happen when these lockdowns are lifted - a tiny bit more herd immunity? China hasn’t lifted anything yet right?