Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Lots of viruses are named after the place of origin (e.g., Ebola), but Chinese coronavirus would be kind of a stupid name for this since that description would also fit other coronaviruses such as SARS.


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By engaging this on any level besides calling it xenophobic propaganda pushed by racists, you’re letting them win.


Pretty sure they already won


It would be really super amazing if someone could try to figure out how much of C19 is that isn’t from living with someone is transferred via handshake vs. hug vs. kiss vs. sitting on a random surface for 2 days etc. Do really have to be terrified of my mouse and phone?

I’m in a state of peak anxiety all day from this. I can feel my heart racing. That can’t be good.


This is why, back in late January, early February I was indicating how fucking bad this was. Not because I was guessing like assholes like @rivaldo were claiming but because it was fucking obvious that a country like China, which absolutely does not prioritize it’s citizens lives and well being over the greater economy, was not going to lock down entire fucking regions and hundreds of millions of people for anything less than a worst case scenario.


TV in the gym had Fucker Carlson on and of course the chyron is CHINESE DISEASE OUBREAK, of course he’s going full Yellow Peril. Also, Glenn Greenwald was on because of course he was.

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Someone has to tell the important story that establishment Dems are being hypocritical about coronavirus. Debra Messing may have even tweeted something outrageous!

Mark Meadows self-quarantining:

To counter the socialized medicine idiots when they pop up.

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Relatively large number of the positive patients in Israel got it from a toy shop whose owner came back from Italy and was like fuck it i’ll go to work.

I assume they didn’t lick the shelf, just spent over 15 minutes in the store.

Really hoping that those “coronavirus on cardboard” numbers are accurate, as GrandmaWookie was packing up a package of birthday presents for my youngest (now 1) to send that arrived today. Disinfected the box and the presents with lysol anyway, lol

If you’re under 60 and decently healthy there’s no reason to freak out. It’s pretty reasonable to expect that a significant portion of the US will catch this at some point, especially if it isn’t a seasonal virus. Talk of quarantines, cancelling events, and the rest will only flatten the curve and buy us time to develop effective treatments and hopefully a vaccine. It will also minimize the strain on our hospitals by distributing the number of seriously ill people over a longer period of time.

I’m not saying younger healthy people can’t get seriously sick and die from this, but those cases seem to be very rare.


Thread about conditions in Italy relayed from a doctor working there.

I’m going to stock up on some food tomorrow. I’m still not sure if Australia can flatten the curve of our outbreak enough to prevent hospitals becoming overloaded. Italy suggests not, but South Korea suggests it can be contained somewhat. Definitely like the US’s chances a lot less.

Whereas the USA#1 system the rich will survive and the poor will get to die. Nobody likes them either.

Does anyone have any information on hospitalization rates broken down by age group? Would love to see that data.

So, if you start washing your hands so much more frequently that a few knuckles are now cracking, does that put you at even greater exposure than originally?

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