Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I’ve flipped and come to accept I ain’t traveling anywhere for a while. Not much point quitting if I can maybe just drive around the US. So I might as well soak up the money (which I may never come close to what I’m making again) and health insurance until this thing blows over.

Great time to film a car chase scene in Italy.


I have a strong feeling China is also the only country that had that much capacity they could pull doctors and equipment from to focus on one area.

Just talked to my old roommate who has family in N. Italy. She said they’re all fine.

She’s a country club republican who hates Trump. She doesn’t know what to believe but still thinks the media is making things worse. I sent her some links, haven’t heard back.

Think I saw it linked up this thread somewhere. Also heard 98M which isa bit more alarming.
If our hospitals do as well as Korea, 38M infected means about 200k dead. If we do as well as Italy, more like to 2M.

Utterly shameless

Sorry Lapka. Maybe airing out the house isn’t a bad idea after all.

My wife works for an enormous financial services firm and her entire campus (thousands of people) worked from home last Friday so that they could test the VPN at max capacity. It worked great, I was impressed.

I do wonder if we see schools closed and large numbers of folks working from home, watching Netflix, playing games in the middle of the day if we’ll all bring Comcast to it’s knees, or if they have the bandwidth for something like that.


Can’t shared the video but basically the kid is moving up and down the rail.


I made a table a few days ago for my own sanity and to share with some skeptical friends that just uses exponential #'s and tracks daily spread rate outside of China if anyone’s interested. Marked some important numbers/dates. Can’t wait until the day I don’t feel the need to update it


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Lemme guess: She wears a tan derby and drinks coffee at a table?

Is that a shoe?

Because it’s not actually going to happen.

He’s just doing this so he can try to get voters who are upset dems wouldn’t give them a tax break.

Looks like they’re going with Chinese coronavirus


No. But she does drink coffee at a table. Although don’t a lot of people do that?

Yes and also dogs that say this is fine.

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If the media buckles and starts using the racist GOP branding and calling it “Chinese Coronavirus” I’m gonna be so fucking pissed.

In before narrator.