Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Probably Matasow’s house.

Unlikely. Nothing misspelled on that sign.



If it doesn’t slow down that’s about right. Look at the growth this way: it doubles every what, 4 days, 6 days? OK, doubling 10 times is increasing the number 1000 times (2^10=1024). 10 more doubles is 1000 times more, or 1 million times. So say theres 500 cases and it doubles in 4 days. That means 500,000 in 40 days, 500 million in 80 days (early June) . Since there isn’t that many people here, it’ll slow down as there are fewer and fewer uninfected people to contact. Best estimate I thought was like 36M infected USA? May or early June sounds reasonable.

Obviously there are a lot of assumptions there, and if we substantially shut down society we can maybe slow the growth enough that some hospitals don’t get overwhelmed. But if you look at how locked down China is and how blithe we are, this seems unlikely.

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Yeah 38M infected seems to be a popular number.

Medicare covers the test and I have to imagine pretty much all insurances will too going forward. The negative press on a non-pay story like a week from now would be fucking brutal.

I would assume the insurers are more worried about going bust than a bit of bad coverage

Imagine all the people with corporate or private insurance who still owe $10s of $1000s after an extended hospital stay. A lot of people are going to get a quick lesson in balance billing and how much insurance they actually have.

Just got a text from work that one employee has symptoms and is out for testing. All employees on his floor required to telework indefinitely, others encouraged.

This is major federal agency in DC, so expect we’ll soon see pretty much every government agency move to indefinite telework as I’m sure this won’t be the only employee to test positive.

I’m curious how many places have the IT infrastructure for every employee to VPN into their system. I am guessing very few.

I’m really pissed that my boss’ boss still insists on us coming in despite that everyone in my group could 100% do their jobs from home. I know the policy is going to insta-flip as soon as we get one case in the faculty, staff or student body. But for now we’re all just waiting for that to happen and I get to touch our damn stainless steel door handles a dozen times a day.

We were supposed to test our system this Friday, with everyone strongly encouraged to telework. Guess we’ll find out sooner how prepared we are.

Right, the hospital billing is going to be LIT and the test costs are like a rounding error to that.

Our VPN maxes out on a Friday when people choose to work from home.

You’re almost ready to quit anyway aren’t you? Lead an uprising. Mutiny. Work from home strike.


100% exactly what the Chinese said would happen without complete lockdowns. Someone here posted an interview with a Chinese doctor who said no hospital would have the necessary numbers of specialized ventilation equipment that would be required for areas that are not locked down. We knew this weeks ago when it wasn’t too late. And it was fucking OBVIOUS that China wouldn’t shutdown their country for a mild flu.

The WHO can fuck right off too.


I literally do all my work on AWS. Some still need the VPN but I don’t need to use it at all. New world.

They are never going busto unless people have a quick epiphany and elect Bernie Sanders. Negative press in a huge crisis makes that slightly more likely.