Coronavirus (COVID-19)

btw, imagine if the US tried to do a whole-country lockdown as in Italy. The conspiratarding would be off the charts. Nonzero chance of a bunch of militias suiting up.


There was some guidance that it could, for that or for other infections. You should be moisturizing after every hand washing session. Easier said then done I know.

Father lives in Cuyahoga County. In his 70s, diabetes. To say I’m worried would be an understatement.


That’s doable. At least until the panic run on moisturizer occurs.

My parents (early 70s) winter in Florida and usually return to NY around now. They know their way around the interwebs enough to find relevant info, but I’ve been wondering where the best location is for them right now. I would think FL if there’s anything to this heat/humidity theory. They are otherwise pretty healthy for their age so hopefully it will all be moot.

Yeah, those measures do not begin to address the real issue with continuing to hold well-attended sporting events.

You’re totally not an asshole though, right? If you feel like you need to @ someone to make sure they don’t miss your slight, I think that makes you an asshole.

I’d be thrilled if we somehow only got to 38M infected. NYC, Boston, San Fran and Seattle have 33M people in their metropolitan areas combined, and it sure as shit seems like the toothpaste is out of the tube in those areas. I’m pretty confident it’s too late in Philly, DC and LA as well. There’s another 26M.

Realistically, it’s everywhere, but let’s say it was just those places with 59M people. 30-70% infected is 17.7 to 41M.

Of course, how many actually get counted is a very open question, so it depends whether you’re talking like actually infected, positive tests, what experts estimate once the dust settles, etc.

I’m with you. My Dad is 80. A healthy 80, with a life expectancy of maybe another 10 years.

Anyone saying “you’re under 60, you’ll be fine” needs to check themselves

Meanwhile, here in Japan there still under 500 recorded infections. Though the country has taken some prompt measures including shutting down schools, canceling many public events, and holding sporting events sans spectators, it’s still otherwise pretty much business as usual.

There is just no way this count is remotely accurate.

Don’t use hot water. Dab dry rather than rub. Use lotion; I read it’s best to apply before hands are fully dry and it does seem to help.

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It seems that wholesale contact tracing is probably pretty effective. If you can keep the numbers low enough to do this effectively (or mobilise 300,000 people to help).

If you give it a head start then yeah, it’s different.

Gotta say Johnny, seems like you might be overreacting here. I hope you’re not jeopardizing long-term career options over this. If you’re in a spot where you can tell your employer FU and be okay, but this is going to take months to resolve and I doubt you have enough sick leave to ride out the storm. I dunno man, it seems like the people who know the most about this sort of thing are keeping their cool.


My boi Hokutofuji beats a Yokozuna and there’s no shower of zabutons from the crowd. I feel cheated.


It’s really bad if they start bleeding. Get some moisturizer or aloe on that. It’s gonna be a long flu season, y’all can’t be having cracked hands already.

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It was just Kakuryu. Not even worth tossing if there were fans there to toss them.

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Johnny acting like a boss. He might get promoted instead of fired.


Very nice. Was thinking about doing this but you seem to have mui correct.

Hopefully measures can slow it down. But when a country the size of the US is doing next to nothing so far I don’t expect any slow down soon.

There should be models out there for saturation effects (how infection rate slows as the percent of the population exposed gets large enough to give some herd immunity effects)

I can easily work from home, but my wife is an elementary teacher in a poor district. Tips for her?

If I’m writing this screenplay we find out that everyone not going into work was nbd.

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