Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Singaporians hit big time by SARS - this virus is not their first rodeo. Low population probably didn’t even need instruction to self-isolate.

I’m starting to wonder if the biggest factors slowing the spread are 1st world (generally cleaner markets, more likely to have soap in public bathrooms, etc.) + warm weather. Singapore is immaculate. Germany and Japan also very clean.

Please don’t @ me about racism. I love those other countries and the people in them. I’m just being realistic about conditions.

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Florida, doing its part:


soon to be new york’s #1 export!

So Israel has effectively shut down all tourism, one of their major industries. Hey, no more serious than the flu though, amirite?

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Things are fine right now. However, there is a shortage of qualified doctors and nurses, which will be made worse once the virus has put enough pressure on the system. There is also a shortage of equipment, due to delivery issues (China, ldo) but that does not seem severe right now.

There were the first two corona-related deaths today, one an 89-year-old woman who died of pneumonia. No details on the other case yet.

What do you mean? Like there are hospitals here. They are very good. They cost less than in the USA. I think they are not overwhelmed yet by coronavirus. Doctors will all speak English, you may have less success with other healthcare workers.

The biggest factor to slowing any spread is / was finding the Ground Zero case (victim) within your country

Did the country test all suspected cases and trace each postive testing individual’s contacts for last 14 days? Then test them too. Any positives?

China didn’t have chance but locked down so virus can’t spread so rapidly
South Korea - Ground Zero case was in a cult…as were total 2,000 cases - 2 week headstart for virus as no-one knew it had arrived
Italy - Not sure they were testing - never found their Ground Zero case

Yeah I was just wondering if they’re starting to get a crunch yet.

I can never figure out why sometimes it doesn’t create a preview? Tampa strip club is offering free masks.[quote=“ViridianDreams, post:5520, topic:988, full:true”]
Florida, doing its part:


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Put the link on its own line.

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Fulton County schools in the Atlanta area have closed for at least today and tomorrow after an employee tested positive.



3 cases in Ohio now.

That’s my neck of the woods.

Kids already been home sick the past 3 school days. May be moving to online learning in the Atlanta metro within a few weeks depending on how things go.

Not sure if this has been posted yet, but seems worth a read::

My twitter feed is glorious right now.


3 cases from how many tests?

Are the authorities reporting that they are now testing anyone the 3 cases have spent more than 15 mins with in the last 2 weeks?

The US is the only country I heard that is testing for Coronavirus IN hospitals - what could possibly go wrong. Hopefully this is changed soon