Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The government, the Trump government, locking the country down does not sound fun either. Like a state of emergency granting the federal government extraordinary powers seems downright terrifying right now.

Drudge and Fox News now devoting tons of coverage to this. The landing page of foxnews is all Coronavirus stories. This is definitely piercing the right wing bubble.

I flipped for a minute to Fox Business earlier and Varney was talking with someone about coronavirus and was actually kind of serious about it.

this was from two weeks ago

I just went to and the leading story is “Dr. Oz discusses coronavirus outbreak on special edition of ‘Outnumbered Overtime”

LOL Dr Oz.

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Just in time for their annual abolishment of the Italian government! Do not worry. They design a new one every year.

America’s present need is not heroics, but healing; not nostrums, but normalcy; not revolution, but restoration; not agitation, but adjustment; not surgery, but serenity; not the dramatic, but the dispassionate; not experiment, but equipoise; not submergence in internationality, but sustainment in triumphant nationality.

Toss in a couple “malarkeys” and that’s ready for Biden to use.


Could you expand on the relationship between viral pneumonia, AND a low white count?

I’m a nurse and my hospital is taking precautions,

but should I be worried about “interstitial lung disease” or “pneumonia…” AND a white count below 4?

One thing that I think is very encouraging is the low number of cases in warm places like Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Really seems to suggest that cold weather aids transmission like with the flu and spring is right around the corner.

I can corroborate this. Know a girl who works for a major hospital she returned from a domestic trip mid Feb and was very Ill with flu like symptoms. Didn’t miss a day of work, they did 0 testing and the hospital doesn’t really have any concerns or doing any prep work for Corona virus.


The White House National Economic Council and Treasury Department have for 10 days been discussing potential measures to respond to the coronavirus’s damage to the economy.

Last week, the Washington Post reported that White House officials were looking at deferring taxes for the airline, travel, and cruise industries.

Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) laid out a list of priorities in a statement released Sunday night, including enhanced unemployment insurance; expanded food stamps and school lunch programs; widespread and free coronavirus testing; and anti-price gouging provisions .

Trump has previously floated a payroll tax cut in response to the crisis, a measure Larry Kudlow, the president’s top economist, suggested last week could be ineffective. Trump continued to downplay the danger posed by coronavirus with several tweets on Monday, even as the stock market fell precipitously.

The president celebrated sharp decline in oil prices, which investors fear signal a deflationary sell-off in a bidding war between major oil-producing nations. “Good for the consumer, gasoline prices coming down!,” Trump said about the decline, which experts warn could foreshadow a recession.

I’m sure USofA will be fine.

If you sort the table by cases/population then Singapore is 8th most

And Philippines only has 24 cases but 14 are brand new, so it more than doubled in last 24 hours so they are just getting started on their exponential curve.


Does anyone know what the hospital situation is like in Germany?

It’s gonna really really suck if this whole thing comes down to obsessively washing your hands, some self-isolation and social distancing. Meanwhile half the US is out there licking things to own the libs.

Dying in a converted Econo-Lodge to pwn the libs.

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Open the curtain, please!

Israel now requiring 14 day self quarantine for everyone entering the country.

World War Z

Face touching trigger alert!

true enough, but Singapore is rich enough to have been doing extensive testing and they’ve surely had a ton of travel between China and Singapore.