Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Trump is going to go through some things



Seattle is a ghost town. They didn’t act quick enough, they’ve tested far too little. You could not convince me there aren’t hundreds, probably 1,000+ infected right now. They need to quarantine the city, yesterday. WAAF

I can’t imagine what this is going to do to service industry folks. I doubt they can handle being out of work for very long.

If I say I hope the coronavirus takes him out, will everyone assume I just meant I hope he gets fired?


The Not is an important part of my name, as anyone who knows who BruceZ is might understand.

Anyways, there are those who believe that receiving Communion on the tongue is more reverent. It gets kind of sticky because some of these people are signaling disapproval of post-Vatican II Catholicism by declining to participate in something born out of the Church’s efforts to reform and empower the laity, but I know some people who weren’t doing that. It’s actually the opposite of lazy, since it often requires having to work to make sure that your local church understands what you are allowed to do.

The official position is that receiving Communion in the hand and on the tongue are both generally permissible. Receiving on the tongue was the norm before Vatican II, as far as I know, but the justification for allowing it in the hand relies partly upon it being something that was permitted in the early church. It’s easy to assume that the practice of receiving on the tongue is tied to those who want to return to the Latin Tridentine Mass, but I know people who chose to do so without having a problem with the vernacular Mass. I decline to judge people for their choice of either method.

COVID-19 concentration camps under construction in [checks notes] Hard Labor park


My bad. Edited previous post and will do better in the future. (And thanks for the additional info on communion)

There are riots in 27 Italian Prisons across the country. At least 20 prisoners have escaped.

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Umm, if I get coronavirus and someone shows up to take me to a “special treatment facility” that’s 50 miles out in the fucking woods, I am absolutely not going willingly. I have watched the Sopranos and I am not going out like Adriana.


Unfashionably libertarian take here, but we probably should find unchecked spread of coronavirus more appealing than most of what’s described in this thread.

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In my wife’s diocese, that practice exists but is banned annually every winter for flu season. I figure such bans are likely to be extended and more widespread.

Sure but if you don’t know one personally then it doesn’t count for boomer Republicans.

Italy’s overloaded healthcare system and prison riots sound fun.

Has anyone come across updates from Iran?

Celebrate and laugh at everyone at CPAC possibly getting exposed to this thing, but I’ll just remind everyone that there are only 4 liberal Supreme Court justices. Two of them were born in the 1930s and another one is 65 and diabetic. Fun.

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Keeping with Catholic tradition, the clergy can only gently tongue Jesus when the priest presents him.

Well good thing its an election year and you can’t fill an empty seat during an election year!

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