Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Indianapolis. Very much serious. My wife is an elementary teacher at a different, but nearby township.

Haven’t been to a catholic mass in 20 years, do they still do that thing where like 10% of people are too lazy to accept the communion cracker in their palm and just stick their goddamn tongue out for the priest to plop the wafer right into the mouth hole?


Yes lol

That’s not laziness.



I mean that shit is going to turn into human flesh. You don’t want to be too slow to eat and be carrying it around when that happens.


What is it? I never understood that at church

A guy I went to high school with who is now a doctor posted this exact thing on Facebook.

Seems like a lot of Trumpkins are equating Coronavirus to things like Swine Flu and Ebola. Like who could forget that SARS Stock Market crash in 2010? How bout that Ebola crash in 2014? Somebody needs to ask them if this virus is so similar to the others, why is the stock market reacting totally differently?

NotBruceZ may know more, but my understanding is that there’s kind of a split over how to receive the host. The “old school” way was for the wafer to be received directly in the mouth. The church changed the rules (in the US, I think it was sometime in the 1970’s) to allow it to be placed in the hand, but generally it’s now up to the individual to decide how the will receive it. So. less “lazy” and more, “sticking with the old tradition.”

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When every even numbered year is an election year, it turns out that these multi-year epidemics tend to occur in election years. Who knew?

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MSM panicking the market bro. That took all of a half a second.


Looks like 3 more cases to add to the total in Czech Republic. Now it’s a total of 35 (11 confirmed in Prague, location unclear in 10 others) with two regions getting their first positive test since yesterday.

Random temperature checks are given at border crossings. Visits to the hospital and elder care facilities have been banned with some exceptions. Visas are not being issued to Iranian citizens. Apparently, cases have all been mild.

As for me, I canceled my private lesson with my student who was sick last Tuesday but decided to travel with his family to Barcelona anyway over the weekend (trip was a birthday gift to him). I honestly never cancel lessons. At worst, I reschedule.

Still wrapping my mind around it. A short but good sampling of Trump idiocy on the topic. I’ve gotten fakenewsed about Trump and coronavirus multiple times so thank you Washington Examiner!

The head of the N.Y. port authority has the virus. He’s had extensive contact with VIP’s in NY including the governor.

Rush wouldn’t last 2 days with his lungs.


Like how they include hashtags on a whiteboard as though it matters.

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I think the general concept is that only the priest is “worthy” of touching the flesh of christ