Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This is barely starting and we already have a shortage of one of the paralyzing agents we use for severe respiratory distress syndrome patients. Going to be a wild ride from here on out.

It’s not really a Catch-22 when prong 1 is “Thousands dead” and prong 2 is “Some people whine about being inconvenienced.”


A part of the problem is that there is an enormous amount of fear-mongering about things that are not actually threats, so it’s correct to be suspicious of being told to fear something, but very hard to independently assess your risk. File under “general breakdown of social and political trust.”


This is the right take.

The problem with a democracy is that ultimately, we the people, are to blame.

In the philly 1793 yellow fever epidemic, Congress was not in and George and advisors debated if he had the authority to move the government temporarily (to York?). Book I read several years ago, details are a little fuzzy.

I thought Coronavirus was a hoax and that the liberal media was just causing a panic to hurt Trump?

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The tens of millions of people who live paycheck to paycheck and can’t work from home might be slightly more than inconvenienced by widespread shutdowns and quarantines


How ivory is your tower anyway?

I’ve got a lot of money sitting on the sidelines right now :+1:

but I’ve got even more money in the market :-1:


A barrel of oil is back down below 8 ounces of hand sanitizer.


Nice to know that several students in the school went on a skiing holiday to Northern Italy a couple of weeks ago and didn’t bother getting tested for coronavirus.

To be fair, it wasn’t a full on outbreak then. Was a couple of dozen in a specific area of the country at the time and they haven’t come down with anything. Had a student who never missed class year miss class to go to the doctor. Half the class was missing too. Not necessarily normal but still more than usual.

Local township declared they won’t close school unless 20% of the students are infected… seems like a great way to handle this. WAAF

Scored a bit of hand sanitizer at Bath & Body Works. Bunch of small ones. Places like that could potentially still have some stock.


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I mean there’s no way like at least 5% of the country isn’t infected right now.

bond traders having a normal one

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Shits getting real…

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This can’t be serious. Where do you live?

Old friend of mine talking a lot of shit this morning about how people are overreacting, then like 20 mins later tells a story about how his friend that lives in Tennessee went on a cruise a few weeks ago to Mexico and came back and was quite sick for a week after. Apparently he went to the doc recently and the doc said he was quite sure he had Corona but the guy is uninsured so they wouldn’t test.

This is also a guy that adamantly thinks we don’t need M4A. He said he couldn’t believe it could be that much that they wouldn’t want to test. I just laughed. I said they might not even have the test and just said that as an excuse, who knows?