Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Indian Wells tennis tournament which is held nearby Coachella just got cancelled. I expect more and more events to follow suit, though organizers will drag it out as much as possible in efforts not to lose money.

I hear the risk actually has him more excited than he has been in a while

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Fav Wookie’s post if you would have gone Cruz.

National bridge in Columbus in 10 days still scheduled to go on…and I’m still planning on going…

but fuck if there was ever an event that should be cancelled…

My wife’s aunt was going to go to a big bridge tournament, I assume that’s the one. She decided against it though.

Consider the source.


So they held a recent National in Honolulu. Which is fucking obvious that it is the board of directors trying to get a free Hawaii trip. Sure enough when they didn’t get enough hotel reservations for the playing site, the bridge organization took a significant hit.

Bridge organization can’t cancel Columbus without taking an even more significant hit. Like to the point where I don’t think the organization can take the hit. USA government should be “alright heres the few million you need to not run this” but yeah we know that isnt happening

Are conservatives going to spend as much time trying to uncover the identity of this person as they did they whistleblower?

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Can’t heart my own post, so add one to whatever shows.

I watched Contagion last night. Fun times.

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And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.

In the United States, the number of confirmed infections exceeded 500 cases.

Over/under on members of Congress who die from this within a year is what, five?

What is the average age of a member of congress?

57.6 years


ooof They should be deeply concerned.


If someone gets a fever, they will be forced to bow out of the tourney. If someone actually comes down with the virus, the tourney gets canceled.

That should help them to focus their minds a bit.

Apparently, “kung flu” is trending on Twitter.


It was weird, man. Like day to day life people are acting normal. Only a few confirmed cases of coronavirus in the area. Minor runs on stuff at grocery stores, but like disinfectants are gone and some staple dry foods were picked over. But WalMart was bonkers.

I managed to find a store that had the essentials, a full selection and almost nobody shopping there.

For those who can’t find stuff they need, think outside the box. A friend found hand sanitizer at a Staples. Figure out who stocks what you need at a place 99% of people wouldn’t think to look or wouldn’t go to for a panic-induced stockpiling trip. I think WalMart was nuts cause they normally stock everything anyone wanted, but that’s why none of the key stuff was left.