Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I wouldn’t be too comforted by that when you can read what experts a lot closer to the situation are saying and writing about it. And what they are saying and writing about what needs to be done to mitigate it to the best of our ability. And then looking at what we are actually doing.


US death count this last week came up short for those who had a calculator. Yes I know its early, and testing and all but other sources came in today that share the good news. It’s still going get pretty bad in the next 2+4 weeks.

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Heh, you’re not too far from me. You me and Riverman gotta get an Ohio meetup sometime.

I have been trying to get my mom to watch this and comment on it, but there is an extreme backlog at her public library. There’s one scene where they saw Gwyneth Paltrow’s head open and they are shocked at what they see and idk how a respiratory virus is supposed to affect the brain like that. I’m sure there is some science behind it, but it felt weird. Seems like they would be snapping her ribcage open and looking at her lungs post-mortem and then being horrified. Maybe that would be too gory for a Hollywood movie.

I still love that Paul Gosar is such a dick all 6 of his siblings agreed to do commercials to call him out

(Of course he still won, because fuck all)


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Welp. My mom, a boomer who lives in King County, WA, has coughing and a fever of 101. She also has congestion and a sore throat, which aren’t indicative of covid-19, but still. Not like you can’t have coronavirus and rhinovirus at the same time.


On a personal level, I’m on immunosupression for at least the next month, and my age is 64 (borderline) - so I’m a little nervous. My wife is older than me (Cradle robber) but is in great health, so again a little nervous. So we’re not flying anywhere, avoiding crowds (I basically sprint into and out of the radiation treatments - whole thing last 30 minutes daily) and eating meals at a home I’m borrowing. So I’m feeling I just need to be a little lucky to get by.

At this point, I’m hoping for something between Korea and Italy - a fair number of elderly/chronically ill people will do poorly (MD speak for die) - but where that number ends up being seems unclear. OTOH, my 50 y/o healthy brother - minimal if any concerns for him (not that some poor 35 y/o won’t die at some point) - and even less concerns for kids - barring the usual suspects.

For reasons that don’t matter I was sitting on a couple of years of income in cash near the first of the year, so I’m ignoring the market for now - but some people with lousy timing are going to get crushed.



I have quickly skimmed Raheem Kassam’s biography. Tots and pears.


Seriously. Hosts a podcast with Bannon? Fuck off.

Also how quickly this went from a librul hoax to a targeted bio weapon per Q is hilarious.


Hope MrWookieMom gets better soon. Has she been tested for Covid?


Conservative propaganda is strong. One of my Facebook friends shared an article about how the media is creating a panic that’s hurting people and businesses.

He recently underwent tests to check if his cancer, which he only beat a year or two ago, is still in remission.


Directly into my veins!!!

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Who are we rooting for?

  • Rep Louie Gohmert
  • Ronna McDaniel
  • Michael Knowles
  • Kay James
  • KellyAnne Conway
  • Betsy DeVos
  • Rep Matt Gaetz
  • Diamond/Silk

0 voters

I’m not voting for anyone but it’d be interesting to see how friends and family react to these assholes. Though it’s hard to believe George Conway needs another reason to avoid his wife.


Where is the “all of the above” choice?


No, and it’s hard to say if it’s worth going into a place where a bunch of people with covid-19 are going just to get tested if you don’t need hospitalization.

Hmmm I bet there are certain people that will have no problem getting tested.

Should be a another option

Whoever has the most face to face contact with djt

I was just about to post that but my pony was taking me home. My pony was taking me home. My pony was taking me home. My pony was taking me, taking me, taking me…


Poll missing Ted Cruz.