Coronavirus (COVID-19)

“Wuhan virus” must be in the cult newsletter this week.


If your intuition proved correct?

lmao, you’re an ate up idiot, too.

You are extremely stable.

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School just outside of Indy just had a student test positive. Closed for 2 weeks.

you wouldn’t be above a victory lap, and calling out your doubters, if you’d provided as much ‘content’ itt as Jman has about a hunch lol

but I’m unstable.

Apparently Pompeo started this. Trying to deflect blame to China.

China obviously not happy they’re calling it that.

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This is just a normal weekend at Costco. (j/k)

Went to Costco in OC (fountain valley) on Friday at 11am. Wasn’t that crowded and checkout lines were avg 2-3 carts, fewer than the normal 5 or so. They did have 2 staff monitoring TP and a couple of other things, with 1 per person limit, but area wasn’t crowded. They gave an alcohol wipe on entry. Was basically pretty chill for a Costco run. I got rice and honey and $300 of other stuff (including Costco brand Balieys, a steal at $15, some white tequila on sale for $20, protein powder, OJ, frozen shrimp, yogert, avocados, sliced turkey, etc, the usu), but that’s like my standard Costco run.

BTW, had read like 5 years ago that TP is their best seller, so maybe people are just noticing now.

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One man’s analysis is another man’s “hunch” I guess.

Dems need to get ahead of step two by firing the first shots in the blame game and being willing to do so a bit recklessly without definitive proof.

We need to quit trying to be the adults in the room and be willing to induce panic. People are going to panic. Democrats should make sure the panic has anti-Trump motivations. Mueller was never going to make anyone panic. Impeachment was never going to make anyone panic. This is the opportunity to make a purely emotional, irrational argument against Trump.

I just don’t know if Dems are exploitative enough to seize this opportunity and be that guy who says I told you so at a funeral.


‘analysis.’ would that be extrapolating without any basis?

Holy crap. They let all the passengers off the boat.

The do nothing Dems are going to do nothing.


I’m just going to stop now before people have to ask us to stop. But I’m comfortable with my read on what’s gone down over the last month or so.

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Also had a Costco run today (Dublin, OH). Not too crowded, but no toilet paper and no Clorox wipes available.

Making the super-smart decision to watch Contagion right now. Looking forward to some vivid nightmares.


You’re right on all counts including the not a great look part - not saying Rivaldo isn’t exhibiting some childishness here, but jman brought this up out of nowhere now when I was busy talking about the possibility of Trump’s lungs getting all filled with nasty puss and shit.



you’re happy with your ‘read’ of the situation. You’ve basically been content to assign value to the opinion of someone with zero medical background, someone who readily admits it was a baseless ‘feeling’ he had initially.

Zero qualms lol

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It does seem like the closest people to experts here are kind of the least worried. Trolly’s mom is very not worried apparently and hobbes seems cautious, but not freaked. I can never tell what ScreaminAsian is really thinking.


Was coronavirus covered on sports radio or something?


Aforementioned elementary school message.