Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Once the deplorables start getting sick, absolutely. It’s two fold. It allows them to be slightly racist and it (in their minds) shifts the blame to China and away from Trumps inadequate handling of the crisis.

My friend in the hospital has been moved from the surgical ICU to medical ICU, bc they have negative pressure rooms and he developed shingles on top of all his other issues.

I was surprised they moved him and wondered if they were using him to practice procedures to prepare for coronavirus patients that are sure to come. I mean probably no, but the nurses come in pretty heavily gowned. I’m not bothering with it as they aren’t requiring it for visitors rn and I’ve had chicken pox.

You see some real shit in this place. I maybe wouldn’t call them heros but the nurses are impressive people and often amazingly empathetic.



looooool my mom just got on a bus full of olds to go see the Philadelphia Flower Show, she just straight gives zero fucks about any of this coronavirus shit. I’m very nervous, but then again she knows more about infectious diseases than anyone I’ve ever met so I have to respect her judgement. Also, she loves the goddamn flower show; I don’t think a zombie apocalypse would stop her from seeing it.

Meanwhile in Japan, the “ghost” sumo tournament is underway in Osaka. Wrestlers are performing with no spectators in the arena. If anyone involved develops a fever, the tournament will be cancelled. As I understand it, sumo tourneys have only been cancelled four times in the past 100 years, so that would kind of be a big deal.

It is surreal to watch them compete with no audience, but of course public health has to come first.


same goes for Smacc wrt to my flagged post


U Mad?

He Mad.

I get where you’re coming from with this… And I know you’re going to be really happy to be wrong. I’ll hold onto the hope bomb for both of us here. Maybe it blows my arm off, but I’m pretty confident that this is it.

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Chiefsplanet already has a thread just to complain about Democrats politicizing C19.

but… I’ve been living in your head rent free for weeks, so much so, your gimp ass had to go retrieve a month-old post

get a life, clown, other than your bs presence itt

Step four - Poetic justice/irony?

Was Mitch McConnell at CPAC?

@Rivaldo Me?.. Come’On bro… Wtf.

If that’s how you really feel, then there’s not a lot I can say. Except wow.

Step four is for sure some flavor of the emperor clothes.

lol at still egging him on after deleting your initial cheap shot.


Not to patronize Rivaldo, but dude gets hot under the collar and will get over it fast. Jman digging that up was lamo.



First post is a “scientific study” saying only Asian males can get coronavirus

I noped out of there pretty quick

Poetic justice would be, well, I’m trying to be a little circumspect, but, what the hell, it would be him dying from it.


What a grade A fucking dink that guy is.

I don’t know man. Rivaldo went off on jman pretty much unprovoked and, woops, turns out jman was mostly spot on. Probably not a great look for jman to dig it up here and rub it in his face, but I’m not going to pretend that I would be above doing something like that.