Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I wish

I think this disconnect is that medical professionals often aren’t necessarily experts on like epidemiology or exponential growth, nor are they as dialed into the news and politics as we are… So you have a lot of medical experts who don’t realize that a) The US is massively under reporting cases and b) The number is going to double every 2-3 days soon.

Instead they’re thinking a) The CDC usually does it’s job reasonably well and b) there aren’t enough cases yet to worry much at all.

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Plus there has been a case there now in Riverside County.

I am glad Fox is pushing that story.

Came up w my google news feed. But for today at least Fox has “better” coverage at a quick headline glance.

Hope she doesn’t have it and hope she’s okay. Based on the Chinese info available in that big report, congestion and sore throat are not primary symptoms but they’re potential symptoms. If she has any shortness of breath, make sure she gets urgent medical care ASAP. I don’t want to scare you but I don’t want you thinking those are contraindicative of COVID-19 and easing up on monitoring symptoms and making good decisions.

Downright terrifying. The replies are really interesting, though. Numerous docs sharing ideas for off-label treatments based on what has been used in China, breaking down some of the info that’s been coming out. Fascinating to see, I’m not sure if it’s more terrifying or slightly reassuring that were relying on doctors tweeting at each other to come up with treatments.

None of this is accurate. Also you showed your true sexist colors in your since deleted post where you derogatorily referred to my intuition as “women’s” intuition. You are a juvenile ass.

Man, Matt Gaetz dying of Coronavirus after mocking people with coronavirus as a hoax would be some next level shit.

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These cruise lines are all going to be bankrupt by the end of the year. They’re all highly leveraged. They can’t survive something like this.


Another big win for the coronavirus!

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Well fuck.

Last 12 hours of this thread has scared the shit out of me even more than normal.

That Italian doctors account. Wow.

I’ve been putting off buying my flight for a proposed rugby trip. I’m may just cancel. 3 days drinking and playing rugby with 500 players from around the world seems less than optimal.

Considering skipping rugby season altogether this year.

When it all boils down, minimising the chance I catch this and give it to my 80 year old dad seems to be more important than pretty much anything else.



The bold, badass thing to do is skip the travel and rugby. You should probably add three extra days of drinking to compensate.


For a while there I thought all the Muricans stocking up on TP were stocking up on Thoughts and Prayers


I’ve not read one expert mention airing out rooms as an effective and important preventative measure for CV-19. But hey if it makes you feel calm and controlled, go for it.

I am super impressed with you telling us how calm and controlled you are. But not so impressed with your apparent knowledge of what is actually going on.


Holy crap. That’s legit shocking.

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Can’t tell if the exhaustion is from the corona virus or if it’s just Daylight Savings Time with kids


It’s not only Lapka. My elderly neighbours are admirably unconcerned about the virus, having lived through far worse.