Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Given the size of his hands, I guess he’s playing the world’s smallest violin while his country sits on the precipice of pandemic chaos?

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That is highly unsettling

I’m preparing right now by putting all my junk in my storage space, everything else I own that can’t go in my room on a shelf in the garage, and putting everything else in my room. I’ll show you guys a picture when I’m done and you’ll probably laugh at how pathetic my life is but also be jealous I have a poor man’s private medical bunker.

My house is otherwise entirely filled with my other roommates garbage in every room of the house and I share a bathroom with a girl who moved in a few months ago who I’ve literally never seen clean anything ever and eats every meal out and never cooks, so that could be a problem but I’m hoping my roommates will see how serious I’m taking this right now and come around.

Checking in from Boston.

I sat at a poker table for a short time with a guy staying at the hotel where the Biogen conference produced a bunch of cases. Then went to visit my late-70’s mother all day yesterday, then went to a couple of open houses today. Now a parent at the local elementary school has tested “presumptive positive”, meaning the CDC has not confirmed it, but the state’s test showed positive.

In the past couple of weeks, my mother has told stories about having measles as a girl, and being quarantined in a dark room. Doctors told her parents to prepare for her death. Yesterday, she told a story about her uncle’s writing about the 1918 epidemic, where there were bodies lined up in the streets of Boston.

She has some food stockpiled, so I think she’ll be fine for the time being, as long as people like me stay the hell away. Meanwhile, I gotta update my will to make sure she is not left to decay in case my wife and I both die. Not that I expect to die before her, but I wouldn’t want to be unprepared.


I think I may have lived with the same girl ~6 years ago.

Good luck getting your roommates to follow suit. I spent 5.5 years living with 5 other people, and I imagine if I was still there now I’d be looking for an alternative asap.

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The best thing you can go on is the cruise ships that have some reasonable prospect of having exhaustively tested a population (not a random one, but at least not one selected for getting very ill with coronavirus). The other stats are simply not useful for estimating death/hospitalization rate per infected person.

Well the bogleheads forum has moved on from most people not worried in the slightest, to people talking about updating their wills. Seems maybe there might be a shift in understanding in progress.

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And for those ships you gotta wait a few more weeks until the actual death/illness numbers are known.

Dow futures are down over 1,000 again. My prediction is that this is the week that the bottom really falls out of the stock market. I wouldn’t be shocked if circuit breakers are used tomorrow. This has just gotten so bad over the weekend. Worst case scenarios keep having to get revised worse. We’re drawing very very live to the stock market being lower by election time then when Obama left office.




Betting on “probably won’t die” to own the libs.



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Ted Cruz is in self quarantine due to CPAC exposure.

1 down…


My friend is scheduled to go on a cruise in 2 weeks. Trying to talk her out of it. The State Dept doesn’t come out and say “Hey everyone… Yeah don’t get on a fucking cruise” unless its serious.

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I checked in on Cruise Critic to look at the forum for my preferred cruise line (Norwegian). There’s a thread right at the top about people saying, “Screw it, I’m going anyway.” At least three posters were thanking OP for finally bringing some sanity to the forum. :roll_eyes:

I have two cruises booked for 2021 and I’m starting to wonder if they’ll even be in business by then.

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My boss is taking a cruise in a week or two and he insists he’s going unless he is sick or it is canceled.


No official cases in Ohio but the TP section is almost cleaned out. Glad I stocked up already, could get nuts when this really hits.

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