Coronavirus (COVID-19)


I would probably cancel a trip on a cruise ship but I am still going to Melbourne for the F1 if they don’t cancel it. Actually did score better tickets because friends from China can’t get here.

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People are really bad at understanding the sunk cost fallacy.

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My mom’s boyfriend, who’s a CEO of a very large Co-op is flying to Africa this week. After having been in FL this past week, a cruise the week before, and Hawaii the week before that. He was just in my house coughing. I will be disinfecting for the rest of the night.

I mean, taking a trip to a country with free health care and a government with a competent epidemic response can’t really be that much worse than standing pat in the USA.


Probably slow pony given I’ve yet to read 400 posts but aus stock index opened down 5.2%, biggest drop I think maybe ever? Down 18% in 2 weeks. Sozzo boomers (including my parents)

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Good news everyone. No testing for blue states seems to be in the cards.

Agree about the stock market. I got 90% of my money out a couple weeks ago. I’m fine with confident Trumpkins staying in though. I just can’t see a reason why it will go up for the next “short period of time” as the jackass would say.

The front page of foxnews is all about coronavirus and ted Cruz. This is definitely piercing the bubble.

100% trump tweets about what a pussy Cruz is tonight.

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If Ted Cruz tests positive, will that have a palpable effect on motivating people to take this more seriously?

No one likes Ted Cruz so no.


My concern here is that in speaking to a deplorable in-law, she said she thinks the whole thing is being blown out of proportion, just like every other recent crisis. You see, she knows Trump was full of shit when he was screaming about caravans, and it has convinced her that every crisis (unless it directly affects her in a way she can’t ignore) is fake news by one side or the other. She might still look at Fox News, but it’s only for information about things she has seen with her own eyes. Otherwise, it’s all fake.

Say someone had to open mail from people during this. Are there UV lights that kill shit or just wear gloves and mask? Is that even a risk?

ETA: Google answered my question. Experts say no risk.

I mean that’s the conservative playbook for every issue ever - if it doesn’t affect me directly it doesn’t matter so stop complaining.

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A Trump reference to Ted’s father and the $100 in his underwear would be elite.

Don’t get all excited about Ted Cruz. He interacted with the guy 10 days ago and is asymptomatic. The chances are very very low that he has it.


That’s some top shelf trolling right there.

Ted’s also only 49 years old. His risk is negligible.

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