Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Snuck an edit in there.

What I mean is that in 2 or so days is when the real crush on American healthcare infrastructure will start.

Around that time is when the head in the sand strategy will no longer be viable as the illness will be everywhere, and more importantly visibly so.

Another PSA.

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Ah, his ninja edit clears up my confusion. tx

Riverside County got first case tested for corona. Ball is in your dumb court Coachella.

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I think we are already seeing the start of a crush in the Seattle area. Hopefully it gets covered extensively in the media and that wakes up the rest of the country. I guess it also depends on the excess capacity in the first hard hit areas in the US versus whatever is was in Lombardi. And also if the first hard hit areas did any prep at all, which is possible as we had more warning than Lombardy.

fyi, you can make bread without yeast if you have unbleached flour. Takes a couple days to grow a decent culture, though.

Target restock still has yeast in stock, I ordered some.

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Sure starting to look more intentional than incompetence.

This is from the parent of a youth client of my agency - kid missing an audition due to quarantine.

America’s tested less than 6000 people out of a population of 331 million. That’s 18 tests per million people. Italy has performed 42000 tests on a population of 61 million people. That’s 688 tests per million people.

Gotta wonder how many people have it that haven’t been tested for whatever reason.

Czech Republic ain’t doing that great testing either. So far just 73 tests per million. But at the same time, the virus has only been in the country for a week. 200 of their nearly 800 tests so far were done just yesterday. The first coronavirus case in America showed up on January 21st! Testing should be going on way faster by now!

3 weeks was out of my own head (ass?) based on media coverage and the idea that we have less than 10% of the deaths so far (double every 5-6 days so need ~3 weeks from 20 to 300+).

But I can buy 9 days, especially with the size of the US so when we compare over localized areas vs Italy. Getting into facilities full of susceptible people will pour gas on the numbers.

Seattle seems to be on edge of tipping to resource problems. NY will get there in a couple of weeks. If it hits a rural system it could overwhelm in under a week.

Of course date here is so sparse and suspect at that.

Is there a good resource for state reporting as the federal government has been an abject failure?

This spreadsheet isn’t bad. But the data suffers because the CDC still seems to be getting in the way of testing.

Amazing they decided early on NOT to test people with flu like symptoms who tested negative for the flu.


Thanks for data. Would love to see hospitalizations and deaths.

But yikes. Doubling every 2 days and the only reason that may slow down is that testing rate may become limiting.

My pony got stuck in a bread line.

State Department Website just put out an advisory that US citizens should not travel by cruise ship: Cruise Ship Passengers

Kind of amazing given that the administration is doing everything it can not to do stuff like this.

Trump must be getting tired of cruise ships causing his numbers to go up.

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Just came from walmmart neighborhood market. Plenty of tp but not a drop of sanitizer to be found. It’s been well over a week since I’ve seen any

I hit hardware stores yesterday for other stuff, checked to see if they had masks. Home Depot was out, Harbor Freight and Menards still had a couple.