Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I’m at the Vancouver Aquarium which is cool but wondering if I should have killed the afternoon in my hotel instead! :grinning: so many people.

We know what the data says so far, and it’s about 15%.

Relatively speaking, what’s important right now is that the mortality rate there is higher than elsewhere due to their medical capabilities being overrun on a regional basis. That’s very concerning for the Seattle and NYC areas in the next 1-3 weeks. Whether the number ultimate ends up being <1% globally and >3% in these areas or 3% globally and >5% in these areas is less important right now in terms of policy and planning. What’s important is knowing the importance of being prepared for the medical facilities to be stressed to the extreme and knowing that preventing this and having a plan in place for it will be crucial in keeping the mortality rate down.

If it’s the one from like 36-48 hours ago, she caught it in Boston at a conference and was hospitalized at Crozer-Chester, but that’s all they released. They promise they are aggressively chasing people who potentially came into contact, but who knows?

Good to know. I wish they’d publicize where they have been in the area. I’m in the far NW corner of the county so probably 15 miles away.

Blizzards of stuff? What do you mean? And by triage protocols do you mean like protocols based on the clinical diagnosis info similar to what’s in this document?

Well, in the last 3 days I’ve gotten two separate outlines by our Peds ER specialist, one about the general state of things and one about how we’ve prepared in terms of nursing flow strategy along with a dedicated holding area for testing which we were informed yesterday that we are now authorized to use. Additional LONG discussion by our head of Pulmonary/Critical care with ID along for the ride about when and where to place patients in the hospital, including exactly how we’re going to transport them thru the facility (ICU within the ICU strategy, cleaning etc.) County medical society with generic information for docs that we already knew. Couple of CDC documents pretty much boilerplate fed-like stuff, nothing new. Masks fitted for all nurses/docs/techs on Wed.

So from out point of good, probably as good to go as we can be - OTOH my hospital is a tertiary center, and my group is big enough for us to pay two of our guys about 15 hours a month for quality/education control - some smaller hospitals can’t/won’t - although in the past we’ve allowed them to piggyback on our stuff.

I thought about the “support organ function” and I suspect this is a term that somehow got screwed up in translation, because it makes no sense in English because it’s completely nonsensical to a doc - but that term might very well have a specific connotation in Italian, for example.


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Horrible mate, absolutely fucking horrible… Let’s hope it never comes back :v:

A story I’ve never told my parents & only told my brother about until I was in my 40’s…

2 Local hard men got out, 1 was the new kid in town and the other was an old hand, so the new kid takes out a few in a Saturday night brawl in the local pub… Fast forward to Sunday night.

We hear nothing about it, we know the shit has hit the fan but lips are closed and the tension goes away, so we get a game of ball tig going around 10pm, 6 of us-1 chasing the 5 boys all around 14/15 years of age.

The 5 of us land in a garden in the street, hiding of sorts when we see the Old Hand coming down with his American Pit, he’s never out at this time :dizzy_face: Fuck…

Comes straight towards us and stands at the close entrance and gate of the garden, hidden by the bushes to a street view, so only us really can see what’s what.

He pulls a gun, a 6 shooter, I can still see the brass bullets shine of the moonlight to this day, he turns to the 1st friend as the Boy who’s IT comes along and says Got Y’all now… :scream: And gets the gun pointed at him.

He sits down while the Old Hand asks my 1st friend where the new hand stays, and my friend tells him, he asks my other 3 pals the same, they all point to where, then he asks me…

I’m like I can’t think, I say “I don’t know him, Pal” the old hand says “I’m not your pal,” calls me something under his breath’ and asks again pointing the gun.

I freeze and say “I don’t know him mate, I’m new hear, and I don’t know who your talking about” I feel the fear disappear and proceed to walk over the road to my house literally 30 feet away and don’t look back.

The Old Hand threatened me again and I don’t exactly hear it, I’m numb, I’m confused and I ain’t fearing for my life anymore and made it into my house by calmly walking into the front door. All I’m thinking tbh is I hope my dad doesn’t see this.

The next week, everyone of my friends in the garden got stabbed by the new hand, the new hand ran amoke with the old hand later that week and the week after around 10 shots were fired at the new hand until it got sorted and settled down, luckily no-one got shot though.

About 15 year ago someone shot my car/vehicle while I was driving and also my brother got shot in the hand.

Scrapped the car/vehicle afterwards as the bullet was somewhere in the engine… :roll_eyes:

My old friend got shot by my old friends son about 8 months ago…

But my favourite was when watching the Celtic game in the local pub “The Paleceum” when celtic scored and a guy called Dee Dee shot the TV and declared the game void. No-one challenged him on it. :sunglasses:

Oh yeah, I got escorted home when the local police office had a Shotgun incident as my house was in the zone. :grimacing:

Thankfully I don’t stay in that area anymore and was fortunate when the car got shot at as the offender got got a few weeks later, not by me Ofcourse alough it’s still an unsolved murder :thinking:.

It’s a small city with me staying in the worst of it at that time with the explosion of the rave culture and coke scene + the height of the football violence all made it a bit crazy…

Ohh my friends Uncle shot him with a Shotgun on the arse while he fled out a window. The Uncle said he though it wasn’t loaded :dizzy_face: yeah right, he was also a madman.


The men on my Mom’s side of the family are all done by 65 - either dead, or dementia or parkinson’s. TBF 3 of them were alcoholics. My Dad is still pretty spry at 78 except for glaucoma.

But it’s precisely because of the men on my Mom’s side that I’m doing all this traveling now and not counting on being able to in my 60s. Even if I just get glaucoma like my Dad it would slow me way down.

My cousin (on my Mom’s side) just got promoted to president of his company. Which is great for him but he already has $millions. I’m like dude - don’t work forever. Your kids can make their own way. He’s 56. I’d be so retired already,

For a second I thought it had hit The Villages and was going to snoopy dance.

Biden rally in KC. Not seeing much social distancing.

Although people traveled long distances a lot less back then. So cities behaving differently might not matter.

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It makes me feel better to her about some of the prep being done, because I have been very concerned that a lot of hospitals are doing little/none based on social media anecdotes from friends of doctors, friends of nurses, etc.

Of course, for all I know, that’s Russian misinformation.

From the 22 thread on Commerce Casino.

The floor at commerce is 100% incompetent. I was there earlier today where there was this reg local who thought coronavirus was fake and it was just some dumb story.

So what did he do? he literally coughed on all the chips and spit and rubbed in a few.

Immediately 2 people picked up and the rest of us asked to get a table change and to get the guy 86’d since he’s being a heath hazard. The floor came over listened to what happened and looked at the reg and told him to cut it out… and then walked away. No one knew what to do, we all looked at the dealer, dealer looked with a blank stare and the table just imploded.

Fastest table break i’ve ever seen ever.

The data estimate how many people diagnosed with coronavirus need to be hospitalized. Your estimate for the number of people who would be hospitalized assumes that all people are who are infected with coronavirus are diagnosed, but that is obviously wrong by an unknown factor.

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The best we can go on is percent of positive tests (death or hospitalization rate). As stated before, perhaps the denominator will make the percentages go down, but if you look at Italy deaths and hospitalizations, uncontrolled spread means we are F’d. We are about 3 weeks behind their curve with probably having done LESS in terms of mitigation.

More experts weighing in:


Why this virus is different

[quote]The spread of the new coronavirus has been compared to influenza, which also causes a respiratory illness. But, as the panelists pointed out, there are no drugs or vaccines yet for treating or preventing the virus, known as SARS-CoV-2, as there are for flu. In addition, we are exposed to different flu strains throughout our lives, which help us build immunity. No one had immunity to this new virus.

“We have an entirely susceptible population,” Mina said. “The potential for this to burn through a population very quickly is very high without extraordinary measures.” [/quote]

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All that really matters is that cities/regions that get caught off guard or don’t react immediately (Wuhan, Lombardy, Qom) have the shared experience that their healthcare facilities get completely overwhelmed. Whatever the actual number is, it’s bad.


I’ve read what I believe to be reasonably expert opinions that say we are 9 days behind Italy.

If that’s the case, then we’ve got…2 days?..until the pandemonium starts?

I don’t understand? What I read is 9 days behind Italy.

He thinks the pandemonium in Italy started a week ago.

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