Coronavirus (COVID-19)

But it doesn’t rhyme with “live” :wink:

DNR is massively different than what I’m talking about. I don’t want to be cared for by indifferent at best assisted memory care staff. I want to avoid that. I realize that might mean prematurely offing myself while I’m still fairly coherent and I’m ok with that.

dark thread turned darker


In the “bright side to every story” category, good news: Suzzer might die of C-19 before he has to off himself from dementia.

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I think I saw elsewhere that they heavily advertise the where of each known case.

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You just need to hang on a bit longer until you don’t remember you’ve got any loved ones.

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I had to visit my uncle in one of those places - who thankfully is just a drunk who fell down and hit his head and eventually got better. But my other uncle is about to go into one for good. He didn’t remember my name for the first time when I saw him over the holidays.

At the place where my drunk uncle was - my stepdad recognized his old boss - who apparently was fine 10 years ago. The guy kept asking if he could go with us and we could just drop him off at the gas station down the street. He wanted out of there so bad. It was heartbreaking.

I know so many people going through it with parents right now. It’s just awful.

I had to visit my grandfather in one of those places too - he may be an outier but he seemed to really enjoy playing cards and draughts with the other old boys up to and even beyond the point where we saw him giggling like a kid while pissing himself in a lift once, so I dunno.

It certainly isn’t a dignified life, but maybe by that point it doesn’t matter so much.

You seem overall very ignorant about dementia and dementia care. We’re straying pretty far off topic so I won’t go much further into this, but your assumptions about how dementia patients are treated and feel are very narrow and wildly inaccurate for many. It’s a disease with an absolutely huge range of outcomes spread over many years. Your one anecdote about one visit is a bad baseline.


I won’t have loved ones to care for me. I think it’s reasonable for me to expect an outcome on the negative side of things.

Even if I was in a palace being fawned over, I just don’t think life is worth living at that point. That’s just me. Obviously others have vastly different outlooks on life.

And you don’t know this for sure anyway, you’re only 50 ffs. Are you alright now? You seem pretty gloomy.


I visited a nursing home when my daughter went there to sing with her choir. It was a pretty nice place and most of the people were hanging out, shooting the shit, playing cards and many seemed to be having a decent time. I know it’s different for advanced dementia than other reasons for being there and it’s always depressing with the incredibly common visits from paramedics/ambulances and people dying, but it’s not all all bad. I think a fair percentage of people get past the embarassment/shame of having other people help with stuff like going to the bathroom.

For the last few weeks I’ve been helping my mom go to the bathroom - she can do the going by herself, but I have to get her on and off the toilet while she’s preparing. No one is in love with doing this, but it’s not that big a deal.


Seems to me he was perfectly sane.


Knew there was a benefit of having a limited social life.

Enjoy your coronavirus y’all! I’ll stay inside where it’s warm.


This varies. Some jurisdictions report tests some report people. You have to cut those who list by test in half.

Towards the end of his life my grandfather became so unaware of his surroundings that, when the nursing home urgently needed another room for a new patient, they put him in the same room as a woman in a similar condition (with the consent of both sets of relatives of course).

Neither of them were even aware of the other being there.

suzzer does a lot of seizing of the day that I’m jealous of.


Dude’s traveled through all of Central America.

That’s more living than most people do in a lifetime.

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Other places too including Mongolia. Will be traveling through Europe and Africa soon.

Africa first ainec.