Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This, and you need your supporters to do more than vote, these things are good for recruiting and motivating the network you need to gotv when the time comes.

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The Covid mortality rate in Italy is currently 5 percent.

Mother of God

First case has been confirmed in the village where i live. Several infections in our province can’t be traced to other known infections, so there is a general advice to socially distance yourself if you have a cold or a fever, even if you don’t have a reason to suspect it’s Corona.

By the time you get diagnosed with dementia there’s a very good chance you will no longer have the mental capacity to make medical decisions on your own behalf. This is true from a legal standpoint, especially if a close relative decides to insert themselves into the process, but also true from a personal perspective in the sense that by the time you’ve deteriorated enough to get a formal diagnosis your thought processes have already significantly changed and you may feel very different about when and how to end your own life.

If you take these sorts of things seriously, the time to start planning with living wills and whatever else is BEFORE you start having any symptoms or move into a high risk category.

live poker - rhymes with “jive”, “hive” and “alive”.

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Two things to consider: 1) there may be more infections than counted, meaning the true rate is lower.
And 2) we need to divide the deaths by the number of people who were infected at the time the people who died got infected, instead of by the current total number of infections. That would mean the true rate is higher.

Maybe both things cancel each other out, but this amount of people dying seems like orders of magnitude worse than the regular flu.

Yah to be clear, that meme made me hmmmm with a similar question

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I always thought the point of a rally was to turn voters into door knockers and phone bank callers. All rally goers are already voting for that candidate.

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We have a case in county (Delaware, PA) but they won’t say which town and where the person has been.

The original Kevorkian woman was diagnosed with dementia. No close friend or relative is going to kill me on behalf of me. I’m gonna have to do that on my own. I’m counting on at least some lucid moments.

You need to write a living will.

I wanna give a big fuck you to Boston as 5 of the now 32 cases in the CR (20 in Prague) are the result of contact with infected people there.

That says “please kill me ASAP if I have dementia”? I’m not sure living wills work that way.

Have you spent any significant time around people with dementia, especially in the earlier stages? The scenario you’re imagining doesn’t seem very likely to me.

I have no idea what you’re saying.

Here’s what I’m saying - I don’t want to end up in one of those homes with someone wiping my ass for me at the very end. I’ve been in those places and it’s the most horrible thing I can imagine living in day in/day out. I have no kids and will probably have no wife to take care of me.

The staff treat the patients horribly and the patients live in a constant state of dread. They can’t understand why their loved ones abandoned them. I will do whatever it takes to avoid that. Life isn’t worth clinging to that hard imo.

Reminder that assisted suicide is mostly illegal. Also that dementia doesn’t kill until advanced stages if at all. Doctor ain’t gonna care about a living will. I’m also under the impression that the next of kin’s wishes trumps a living will, but I’m not sure about that.

Most of the known infected cases in MA are the result of travelers from China and Italy. A big issue is the number of international companies near Boston, (including mine), as well as a large number of conferences and industry meetings that attract people from all over.

Having said that, the MA response and current actions are extremely disappointing. They seem to have stopped reporting on the numbers tested, and are only reporting confirmed and presumptive positives. They seem to be lockstep with CDC guidelines and will only test those with symptoms and known contacts with positive cases or travel to affected regions.

If MA is still responding in this manner, we are so fucking fucked. I mean for chrissakes, this is one of the great hubs of science and healthcare in this country. This response is what I would expect from Alabama or something.


Right. I’m just hoping to have a lucid enough moment to do the deed.

Unfortunately I have a little experience in this area and my understanding is that while a living will or DNR may have precedence, it still might not be followed unless next of kin is resolute in supporting it. Same thing can be true of a birth plan.