Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Apparently Sanders refusing to consider cancelling rallies:

Like I get Trump doing this because Trump is stupid and this is going to result in a lot of dead Trump Rally-Goers, but Sanders doing this is ridiculous because this will also result in some number of dead Bernie Bro’s. Granted his crowds skew younger, but this is dumb.

Well if Biden ain’t gonna cancel then Bernie won’t.

Not being facetious, does Biden even have rallies?


Calling it corona sounds too Trumpian to me. It would be like calling the whooping cough the whooping, or calling the Spanish flu the Spanish. I think the best shortened version is just COVID-19.You could also just say “the pandemic.”

That said coronavirus is sort of wrong too, because that would be like if Coca-Cola was causing deaths and we called it the soda pandemic, when Pepsi wasn’t a problem. There are other coronaviruses that spread annually and just cause the common cold.

I’ve thought about this because a falling out with my roommate recently led to him moving out, and he 100% would not have been taking this seriously. I think I would have probably packed up some shit and gone to my parents’ place, I don’t know. Either that or lock down in your room and treat the rest of the place the same as going out to the store, but you’re going to go stir crazy in that case eventually.


It already has, you just don’t realize it yet.


Probably. Just nobody gives a fuck about them when Trump has his quasi-Nazi rallies going on regularly.

Occasionally. Obviously it sucks but Bernie can’t cancel for obvious, dumb reasons

So it begins: First Coronavirus hate crime in NYC. Asian man wearing a face mask stabbed like a dozen times, likely to die:


The reasons are not obvious at all to me. Any utility he gets out of a rally from people who are attending the rally who wouldn’t have voted for him otherwise has to be outweighed by the risk of him killing his supporters.

Coronavirus is an actual word representing a genus of viruses. Influenza virus is two words.

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Like, what percentage of people who go to a Bernie Rally aren’t people that were already voting for him anyway? I never got the whole rally thing on either side TBH.


Sourdough ftw.

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It’s also his chance to be presidential.

The “but Biden didn’t cancel” excuse is the same one we all learned wouldn’t fly as pre-schoolers. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Looks like you copied and pasted some of my post instead of quoting, so I’ll pull your parts out and respond so it doesn’t get confusing.

OK, good to know. I was wondering about that - how much of that was sort of normal stuff you’d see and how much was indicative of coronavirus attacking different things.

OK, that’s good to know as well that it’s not necessarily unique in this regard. I think it’s really important for people in general and doctors especially to know that not having a fever or having a low ever does not 100% mean you’re fine, and the real key is to monitor for shortness of breath.

Damn, that’s disappointing to hear. There are some details in that report that I linked regarding what they look for on the chest imaging that probably mean 100x more to you than they do to me, if you’re interested. They mentioned some specific things that show up, but of course I don’t know if these are commonly going to show up in general cases of flu-triggered pneumonia or general respiratory illness.

That’s a typo I’ll see if I can edit it. I started one thought and then switched to another and didn’t fix it. Glad you caught that! I was wondering what “supporting organ function” meant. I take it that’s not a thing as far as you know? Same here as far as antivirals, I haven’t seen data but I’ve seen anecdotal stories from doctors saying they believe it helps and I suppose if it can’t hurt, they might as well use them until they do have data one way or the other. To this layman it seems like throwing the kitchen sink of things that might help and can’t hurt at it is a good approach for now…

Blizzards of stuff? What do you mean? And by triage protocols do you mean like protocols based on the clinical diagnosis info similar to what’s in this document?

Check, check and I wouldn’t be caught dead near a Taco Bell right about now. :slight_smile:

As always, thanks for the insight!

The point of the rally is two things: get local news to cover you and creating a vague sense among low Infos that all these people like him, I should too. Those are both important.


I completely agree with you guys, he should cancel events. Unfortunately I believe that doing do would mostly score points with people who are strong supporters, while the media would spin a Bernie = weak narrative that would hurt him with the kind of votes he needs to take from Biden. I could be wrong but that’s my gut feeling.

I was prepped to be able to lock down at home whenever I needed to, but live poker is 99% of my income so I didn’t want to start skipping it before I had to. I’ve been playing two days a week, no more, since I started to get really concerned about this, and I’m religiously using hand sanitizer before touching my face, wiped down the rail of the table and my seat with disinfectant wipes, and would have left yesterday if anyone was coughing or sick around me. Based on what we know, that minimizes my chances of catching anything… And based on current rate of spread and likely cases in the area, I’m probably done going to the casino for a couple months now.

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We don’t know what percentage of people who get coronavirus need to be hospitalized.

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Italy quarantined your pony this morning.

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