Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Yes, got yeast too.

The point of stocking up on these supplies is not because of potential shortages. It’s so we can stay home (i.e. - that social distancing thing the experts say we need to do) and limit our interactions with other people. And this is as much about protecting other people/society as it is about protecting ourselves.

The other thing is, there will eventually be hard hit areas that go into lockdown. (Either forced by the feds or by individual states that are not run by morons.) It’s about having supplies to survive comfortably when under lockdown, and doing the right thing by staying home.


BREAKING Italy’s death toll surges by 133 to 366

Italy’s death toll from coronavirus surged on Sunday by 133 to 366.

There was also a single-day record for increases in infections. A total of 1,492 were recorded, taking the total to 7,375.

Wow, 100? That’s nuts. I can only think of 3 and really only 1 might count:

Best friend as a teenager was stealing a pumpkin and got shot in the back by the farmer (lived - bullet fragments still lodged near spine)

My dad’s boss got assassinated back in the late '70s (I only met this guy once - he was a scientist from Israel)

A friend of a friend I had met a handful of times was shot dead by police who should have deescalated but, you know how that goes

Crazy that Germany has 951 cases of coronavirus but 0 deaths

Wonder if they are the superior race after all.

Picked up a coffee from Philz and they wouldn’t allow me to use my travel mug. New policy in the last day or two. They said Starbucks is, or will be, doing the same.

Probably wise, and probably the last take out coffee I have for a while.

I don’t think it’s appropriate quite yet for youngs to be avoiding public spaces in the US. I’m on my way to the casino now and I would use plane tickets if I had them. Might even go on a cruise. This probably won’t last, but say there are 5k people in the US with the disease now and each infects 4 others. You dont want to be one of those 20k, but that’s still only 0.007% of the pop. The calculus will obv change as the number increases.


This stuff is why I don’t make guillotine jokes.

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I’ve got flour and vegetable oil but no yeast. I guess I’m making matzoh if shit hits the fan?

Yeah, I’m expecting Westchester County to go into lockdown in the next week or so, probably followed by NYC.

Go get yeast. I don’t think there has been a run on yeast yet.

THERE were two “Reigns of Terror,” if we would but remember it and consider it; the one wrought murder in hot passion, the other in heartless cold blood; the one lasted mere months, the other had lasted a thousand years; the one inflicted death upon ten thousand persons, the other upon a hundred millions; but our shudders are all for the “horrors” of the minor Terror, the momentary Terror, so to speak; whereas, what is the horror of swift death by the axe, compared with lifelong death from hunger, cold, insult, cruelty, and heart-break? What is swift death by lightning compared with death by slow fire at the stake? A city cemetery could contain the coffins filled by that brief Terror which we have all been so diligently taught to shiver at and mourn over; but all France could hardly contain the coffins filled by that older and real Terror—that unspeakably bitter and awful Terror which none of us has been taught to see in its vastness or pity as it deserves.

  • Mark Twain

Wow looks like 1 of the 31 positive cases in the Czech Republic didn’t involve travel abroad or known contact with infected people who travelled abroad.

So yeah. Guess it’s out in the open now. Could only contain it a week in this country.

I am an avid cruiser, I have been on tons of cruises on nearly every major line. I post on cruisecritic. So consider this advice given the source:

You are fucking insane if you step foot on a cruise ship right now. Insane. The only reason there hasn’t been a full stop of cruising in the US is because the cruise industry execs told Pence that it would really hurt the economy.


I do recall someone posting up thread Trump spiking a CDC advisory that immunocompromised people not fly. That’s bad. Italy doing a quarantine is fine.

Anybody with both a functioning brain and access to the information in this thread would conclude that social distancing and all the other precautions (established safe zones house cars, washing/sanitizing, limiting travel, wiping down surfaces, preparing own food, working from home if possible, etc.) needs to happen yesterday in all 50 states.


A couple of my key takeaways as a layman:

A) It attacks (or at least impacts) way more than the lungs. They’ve noted changes to the spleen, heart and blood vessels, liver and gall bladder, kidneys, and other organs.

  1. Probably not surprising - I’m assuming they’re doing autopsies, and a common pathway to sepsis/SIRS affects the above - but I’d guess is what you’d find in pretty much anyone dying of Corona OR Influenza OR any other number of preterminal conditions.

B) As we know already, the primary symptoms it presents with are fever, dry cough and fatigue. Severe cases often present with shortness of breath and low levels of oxygen in the blood one week after symptoms start. It can take a rapid turn for the worse from there in a few ways, “severe patients can rapidly progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, difficult to correct metabolic acidosis, coagulation dysfunction and multiple organ failure.”

  1. Pretty much as 1) - Corona really hits people with preexisting respiratory (and to a degree renal) issues - but again this is just a laundry list of what really sick people do as in 1)

C) There have been severe cases with low grade fevers or even NO fever.

  1. Common for all sort of viral illnesses - which complicates the triage process and makes quarantine difficult.

D) Looks like there may be ways to diagnose without testing for antibodies or COVID-19 nucleic acids, based on low white blood cell counts. Also looks like there are some good indications from chest imaging. Hopefully hospitals can use these methods as the CDC continues to lag on testing.

  1. Meh x2 - low WBC is very common in viral illnesses - basically bacterial illnesses tend to drive your white cell count up - in a cartoon way your body recruits a gang of their good guys to kill their bad guys. In viral illnesses, your body uses up its type of white cells to blow up the virus (this is a 2nd grade explanation, but the idea is sound) - in other words, a low WBC count is to some degree sensitive for a viral illness, but pretty much useless as a specific test. Likewise, a CXR tells you that something may be going on, but whether it is infection (bacterial vs viral) vs. edema vs inflammation vs. several other things…I suspect I’d know as much by using my stethoscope.

E) The treatment for mild cases includes oxygen and anti-virals and supporting organ function, among other things.

I wouldn’t quantify any of those things as mild - if you need oxygen and “supporting organ function” whatever the fuck that is you’re sick and likely need to be hospitalized. AFAIK, there is no vetted data about antivirals, although I see no reason they wouldn’t be helpful,

F) My big question is what percentage of American doctors have even seen this? Is CDC distributing this info? I doubt it. What a tragedy if we aren’t using the best info available to treat patients here.

Every ER in the country of any size has been masked fitted, triage protocols are in place, and we’re getting blizzards of stuff - whether or not it’s going to help…we’ll see.

Wash you hands, avoid crowds, stay the fuck away from that idiot blowing his nose and wiping it on his sleeve at Taco Bell.



When I get diagnosed with dementia I’ll make sure to do a Kevorkian. I don’t want to traumatize anyone.

There will be compassionate suicide centers on every corner by that point, god willing