Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Not unless you’re 60+ or have other risk factors imo

I’m sure this is the case all over. Some of the replies are hilarious.


yeah theres shit like this all over twitter

My dads the white trash trumpkin base. It got through to him awhile ago which shocked me because hes the full on " Obamas a muslim, we should put establishment dems in a camp, Rush Limbaugh full on fucking crazy " type Trump supporter. But since he knows him and my mom are at risk he’s taking it serious.

Also cuz my sister is a nurse practitioner and luckily shes one of the ones who know this is really bad.

This is spammy YouTube trash. Please try to verify peoples’ credentials before posting stuff like this.

Video creators are cranking out content that, in many cases, spreads alarm, unsubstantiated claims, scams, and sometimes outright disinformation. And a lot of them are trying to make money off of it.


Just saw a whole thread of people in a FB group laughing about Austin music fest cancellation. It’s not even as bad as the flu! It’s just a virus not a life threatening disease!

In addition to the normal stuff, put Wegmans in PA is pretty much sold out of flour. Wtf?

Corona vs gig economy, FIGHT

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I’m starting to see this IRL too and wrote ITT about it earlier. Doesn’t matter how many people suffer and die until they or people they love are threatened or suffering.

However, my boss is a quiet Trumpkin and he hasn’t gotten it yet. Thinks we should just let it run its course since we’re all going to get it anyway. He had no idea about the high numbers of people that require advanced medical care. He jumped at the chance to go to the HIMSS conference after other people at work started cancelling, (we had blocks of hotel rooms already booked), and was going to take his family with him, but then the conference got cancelled.

He also thinks Trump has done a great job on this since he stopped people from China early on. Best response of all countries so far, in his opinion.

This is a VP level guy in the healthcare sector with advanced degrees in engineering and business and super quick to understand complex problems and reduce them to real world realistic responses. And he can’t grasp this.

Numerous virus-infected food servers. No big deal. :roll_eyes:

Who doesn’t love a tasty bowl of bleached flour?

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I completely disagree. About 15% of the people who gets this are hospitalized and like 30-40% of the population is going to get it in a best case scenario, unless we totally pull a horseshoe out of our ass. That’s like 1 in 20 people in America being hospitalized (or needing to be). A LOT of people are going to have at the very least a cousin/aunt/uncle in the hospital from this. Since right wingers and Trumpers skew older, their likelihood of being in that group or knowing someone who is goes up.

I think there will be civil unrest over hospital beds in extremely hard hit areas if the federal government isn’t able to help them get stable cases to hospitals in unaffected areas or put up temporary hospitals that are sufficient. There will likely be stories about people going full John Q trying to force their way into a hospital bed for them or a loved one.

But for food and stuff like that, I don’t think we’ll see civil unrest except from the absolute dumbest of people (so we’ll hear a few stories but there shouldn’t be mass problems). People will just have their healthy friends/family in their 20s and 30s go get food at the store, so as long as the supply chain holds up to the extent that people don’t starve, it should be fine in that regard.

If it gets to the point where the government needs to step in with the National Guard and MREs and stuff like that, state-level governments can probably do that themselves if Trump doesn’t… and if he doesn’t, we may be looking at a shadow presidency with cabinet secretaries giving orders on those sorts of things.

That all presents its own problems but those are more political and structural. I don’t think we’re looking at shootouts in the streets over food and toilet paper.

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I got a huge sack of flour. Bread, pizza dough, etc. Makes a ton of sense. If I end up throwing it out, who cares. It was like $8 for 25 pounds.

I get space at hospitals running out like Cuse said and that being a huge problem, but it’s not going to shutter toilet paper, water, or food production and distribution. Supply of those things is more threatened by hoarding than by Corona.


Well that’s 31 people infected in the Czech Republic. To be honest, I’m actually pretty surprised it didn’t go up more.

The important part is that there’s been almost no community spread. Not sure what the plan is beyond what’s happening now though. Eventually it’s going to spread within the country at a faster rate.

New York state over 100 cases

Do you have yeast? Because otherwise,


It’s almost passover anyway.