Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Can panicking please mean washing hands and not shaking hands instead of hoarding toilet paper?


Saudi Arabia has locked down one of it’s provinces:

Sure, but are they blaming him for anything?

Can’t Trump declare a state of emergency and use it to temporarily suppress constitutional rights in the same of public safety?

I’m sure it hasn’t escaped them that the main hotbeds in the US are all democratic strongholds.

He can do whatever Mitch McConnell will let him do.

Maybe he’s saving that state of emergency to be used to cancel the elections this year, claiming that the Democrats rigged it and that saving democracy requires stopping it until we can figure out what the hell is going on.

I’ve seen enough. With potential travel bans/heavy restrictions for US citizens in the very near future, combined with the fact that the general populace is armed to the teeth and trigger happy, it would be prudent to get out while the gettin is good. Thankfully I’m an online poker pro with very shallow roots where I currently live. The wife is Taiwanese and she’s actually been pushing me to pull the trigger and get us tickets out of here.

Best of luck to you all with jobs, homes/mortgages, wife+kids


TBH I’m not sure if Taiwan is the place you want to be if the US starts to falter.


Yeah considered this. I don’t have too many other options though. If it were to come to pass, I doubt it would be an armed conflict between the PRC and Taiwan. I’d expect an insta-surrender. Also have the option to try to hop somewhere else if things start to get hot out that way as well.

Still probably not, but the US ‘faltering’ hardly means less prepared to do war stuff.

I’ve been shot at personally Growing up in San Bernardino with parents on drugs, it be like that. Our house was shot up badly in a drive by when I was like 7, Was at a party that got shot up, also some kid got shot like 20 feet away from the parking lot at San Gorgonio High School. We were all hanging out in the parking lot before school, Some of my friends swear they heard bullets whizzing by their heads. We all took the day off after that lol.

Being shot at here was super common, I can only think of one person being hit though. I guess they have better aim in LA.


I dont think blame/the narrative will ever end up where we’d like. There will never be an epiphany for these people.

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But this is why this issue will likely more mirror the financial collapse than say, Katrina. In all likelihood you’ll see people like this not know anyone directly hurt. So, they’ll chalk it up to no big deal even if thousands, tens of thousands etc lives are ruined.

The elderly and the poor will get hit the worst. These groups are overwhelmingly not assholes. Assholes overwhelmingly do not care about the poor and elderly however.

My hope is that the relatively low mortality rate will mostly prevent the rubes from ever really getting it. I think we can still avoid mass civil unrest. Using my one time.

Very LC, but like why does everyone insist on the “virus” part of coronavirus 100% of the time? No one constantly write influenzavirus instead of the flu.

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probably because ‘corona’ has a few other defintiions whereas ‘influenza’ doesn’t? Can always use ‘COVID-19’ to reduce the keystrokes

Not the same situation, but am currently sharing a house with 2 other guys who are not taking this seriously. Do I just insta move out of here if I can afford? I think I know the answer but it still feels drastic.

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I would go if I was you. Quarantine your family for a couple of weeks after you arrive to protect other people. Even if it ends up being that you overreacted, you are still in a much better country with far fewer morons and a much better life for your kids.