Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Sad news for everyone, we’re going to see Bernie die. Biden hides in a basement anyways so he’s not getting it. Trump will get it and be almost asymptomatic, he will appear invincible and power through to another election win even without even cheating. AOC gets serious complications, no hospitals have rooms left, and she refuses to take the room from a dying patient and dies for lack of oxygen along with the Progressive Movement. The US, reeling from coronavirus institutes coronavirus camps. Trump looking at you and making his best guess is what determines who get imprisoned. Trump says most of us look like dangerous cases and most Unstuckers are sent away to the camps where they are injected with supercoronavirus and die.

Forty years later, after a change of heart, npc writes the true story of Unstuck. We shall never forget.


Lol dude… you need to worry more about depression than COVID-19. I get that you’re trying to be funny but I’m struggling to imagine someone who wasn’t in the middle of a depressive episode writing this.


Narrator: There was no plan.

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We’re now at 28 people infected in the Czech Republic. Yesterday nearly 200 people were tested for coronavirus. Since March 1st, almost 800 people total have been tested. Most of the cases appear mild since they’re in home isolation with only the first wave being hospitalized. This includes our second community-spread case where a person subleasing a flat from one of the cases also got sick.

Seems that there’s not much more the government can do at this point aside from outright banning travel in and out of the country. Just gotta keep this up.

So if random various threads on twitter and other bits and pieces of news can be believe, (which I think it can), it appears that Italy is starting to break. This should be really fun when this starts happening in the USA, considering how armed everybody is.

Could you post a link or two?

Italy was broken long before the coronavirus came through.


Italy has seen the largest number of coronavirus infections in Europe, with the number of confirmed cases jumping by more than 1,200 to 5,883 on Saturday.

The death toll in Italy has passed 230, with officials reporting more than 36 deaths in 24 hours.

The health care system in the Italian region of Lombardy is on the brink of collapse, the head of its crisis response unit has said.

“We’re now being forced to set up intensive care treatment in corridors, in operating theatres, in recovery rooms. We’ve emptied entire hospital sections to make space for seriously sick people,” Antonio Pesenti told the Corriere della Sera newspaper.

“One of the best health systems in the world, in Lombardy, is a step away from collapse,” he said.

The northern region is one of 15 Italian areas that have had measures imposed restricting travel in a bid to contain the outbreak.

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I guess we are going to have to wait for 1,000 olds to die before maybe they believe it? Maybe a FNC host Or prominent republican comes down with it?

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@churchill already posted a good one summarizing much of what I’ve been reading.

The 2+2 thread on this in the business sub is actually fairly informative if you can ignore toothy’s idiotic political takes. (However, his data analysis for weeks has been very good.)


100k imo.

Only one of these people is buying the absolute necessities


I’m having a hard time getting my wife and daughter on board with what we need to do. They humored me with going out and stocking up on supplies early ahead of the crowds. (But they see now that sanitizer and lysol wipes and some staples are sold out that I was right.) But I can’t get them on board with what needs to be done regarding social distancing and also keeping our cars and our house as a safe zone.

My wife insisted on going out with her friends on Friday night. She’s attending a conference on Tuesday despite me asking her to seriously reconsider. She continues to get fast food occasionally for my daughter and herself, while I strongly believe we should be eating only what we prepare ourselves.

I guess I’m just along for the ride like the rest of the morons in USA#1.


Didn’t notice that. Not only beer, but Corona.


I like Corona, but it’s generally too expensive for what it is. I think their 12 packs are $17 dollars over here, maybe 14-16 when they are on sale.

Corona Extra: A coronavirus you want to catch

I’m sure there’s some marketing gold in there. Like a commercial where a bunch of tiny Corona bottles infect people with the unquenchable desire to drink Corona beer.

They could just commit to Trumpkins and go with “This Corona ain’t no librul hoax”.

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We just had an argument in the jman household about taking the kids to a Purim carnival today. Upshot: We are not taking the kids to a Purim Carnival today.


So, I think this may still not be piercing the white trash redneck trumpkin base yet, but this is definitely piercing his wealthy educated base. I interact with a lot of those types and it was like a switch has been thrown since about last Friday. They are all panicking.