Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I thought you guys were joking about Fox calling this a hoax wtf.

No offense man but maybe you’re over thinking this.

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I knew a guy who shot and killed another guy I knew.

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Fox knows NO bounds when it comes to protecting Trump

My grandfather was fixing telephone lines up on a telephone pole in WWII when a plane made a strafing run at them. He jumped off the pole, didn’t get hit, and suffered minor injuries from the fall. My Dad was an MP in Hawaii during Vietnam, so the most action he saw was some drunk guy shooting another drunk guy in the foot at the bar on base, and they got called in to sort it out.

I’ve definitely seen some bullet wounds on people at the poker table.

I overthink everything. Sometimes I wish I could turn my brain off for a few minutes, or just put it on chill mode. But it’s pretty rare.

Sorry dude not trying to make light, that sounds rough. I get in that zone too but it’s not all the time.



In another note, watching the women’s PAC 12 tourney on TV. It’s in Vegas and the strip looked jammed with cars. Guess people aren’t letting Coronavirus interfere with their Vegas trips.

This guy’s name was previously being discussed as being someone who could help lead the response to the Corona Virus.

Not much new here in his thread but it adds some gravitas.

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Dam man, that’s crazy, my grandpa also had stories of how he would unbuckle his gear and jump off of telephone poles when the Japanese planes came strafing at him during WWII. It’s just not good to be right up there on a telephone pole when planes are shooting at you. I wonder if our grandparents ever met each other when they were working on phone lines in the South Pacific.

It helps, I need to look into getting a medical card here. I’ve only used weed in places where it’s legal recreationally, and due to my asthma, only edibles. But indica edibles in Vegas do help me sleep and relax.

No worries, it’s a gift and a curse. It’s why I’m really good at poker, but also why I struggle to sleep. It’s making me more nervous and anxious about this, but I’m also more informed than literally anyone in my day-to-day life (as we probably all are from reading this thread).

My grandfather was only in Europe if I recall correctly, so they probably never met… I remember him saying something about jumping off the pole and being like, “Yeah, it was like 25 feet (or whatever it was), but it’s not that scary of a jump when you’re getting shot at!”

Hahahahaha, tonight’s SNL “Sands of Modesto” sketch was great.

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I’ve been shot at, does that count?

Doesn’t count as getting shot, but - good story?

My grandpa was shot in Hawaii during the war, but I’m not sure of the circumstances. He never mentioned it and I was close to him. I found out about it from my dad after my grandpa had died. It’s possible it was one of the drunk soldiers in a bar things.

My grandpa never talked about the war to me but my mom used to say that he would be up on a telephone pole installing phone lines in the South Pacific when Japanese planes would come in hot and he would jump off the pole and dive into a trash pit below. Never 100% believed my grandpa’s tales because he was a good part Irish, but after reading your post, maybe that’s really how it was.


Yeah, I wondered at times if it was true, but if we both heard the same story maybe it was pretty common. What’s funny is that was my grandfather’s only war story he told, and my Dad got drafted during Vietnam, ran super hot and binked Hawaii as an MP. His frequently told story was that they used to get bomb threats called in, and they’d make the MP’s look all over for a bomb and none of them knew WTF to do if they actually found one… So him and his buddies would duck out when the alarm went off for it, race down to the beach, and sleep there for a few hours and then go back.

Don’t know how they actually got away with that, but I guess things were pretty laid back in Hawaii.

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Friend took me night fishing, turned out it was some dudes private trout pond. Buddy lights up a cigarette and shortly after that I was running for my life. Not a great story, but hearing those bullets hit the trees around me was terrifying.

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I knew a guy that shot himself, does that count? Also a guy that was on that Minneapolis bridge when it collapsed and he isn’t from there, was just visiting.

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just hopping in here to share two things. The plane tickets we paid $1200 each for Geneva are now $700 each. #feelsbadman

Also this pretty much sums up this entire thing: