Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Prisons and other similar institutions are going to be hit super hard by this.

And not a single politician will give a fuck, because black people don’t matter

One backfire of doing fewer testing is a higher fatality rate among confirmed cases, but Trump probably thinks dividing by a smaller number would give you a smaller number.

Told the wife if trump dies from CV I’ll believe in God. Sweet karma.

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In my poker game today, I saw the full range of reactions about it. I brought disinfectant wipes and wiped down the rail and my seat, then offered it up if anyone wanted it and it got passed around and 5 people used it.

Two of us brought hand sanitizer and were using it often, me and an old man. 3-4 others would ask for some every now and then. Numerous dealers were concerned and picking my brain cause they know I’m informed.

Two players needled me about it and rolled their eyes at my precautions.

Two dealers told me the whole thing was bullshit, made up, I was wasting my time, there was no such thing, etc. Obviously we all know who they voted for and where they get their news. Gotta admit, one guy got me pretty good… “Do you even know anyone who has it? Like a real life person? No? That’s exactly my point! It’s bullshit!”




That’s modern-day Republicanism in a nutshell.

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I don’t know a real life person who has ever died from the flu. Those stats must be bullshit too!


I did also find disinfectant wipes at a smaller chain grocery store. I was driving past after the hellish experience in WalMart and the parking lot was pretty empty and it’s a relatively new store. I figured there was a chance people just weren’t in the habit of going there, and whaddayaknow, they had four 3-packs of disinfectant wipe canisters and like 40-50 single canisters. I snagged two 3-packs, left the rest for others, I’m not nearly evil enough to start flipping disinfectant wipes on eBay in a pandemic.

They were off brand, though, and in the next store I went to for stuff (Acme), they had Lysol brand ones. I was kind of thinking “Ehh, I don’t want to hoard too many of these, but I would feel better with a brand name because I’m a silly American consumer who can somehow read the label and see the same ingredients but still trust Lysol more than a random generic brand.” I was about to pass on it just out of the guilt of hoarding them, but somehow Acme has Lysol disinfectant wipes marked down to 2-for-1 in the middle of an absurd nationwide run on disinfectant wipes. GJGE Acme. Well done. I couldn’t resist sticking it to the corporate man.

I’m not sure if this means that I owned them or they owned me, ultimately. But I now have enough wipes to last 6-8 months at pandemic usage levels and probably about a year and a half otherwise (I do usually use them to wipe my phone down after poker, to clean the toilet seat, to clean counters, etc). I’ll probably end up giving some to a friend or to my parents if things get as bad as I suspect.

I’ve known 3 people who got shot and none of them died from it. Fatal shootings? Hoax!

edit: You orphaned my post!!! HOAXER!

edit edit: Unorphaned!


I put the post back. more hoaxing.

Is that a lot? How many people do y’all know who have been shot?

Depends what you define as “know” but I would go with zero. I know one person who’s been shot at (my grandfather in WWII).

If you defined “know” as people I’ve played poker with ever, or more than like twice, then it’s probably a way higher number.

I know/knew the three people well. One was my grandfather who was shot during WWII. One is a close friend who got hit by a ricochet - very minor, and another was a guy I worked with who got shot in the ankle during the LA Riots protecting his uncle’s store and he had a permanent limp.

Don’t think I personally know anyone who has been shot. I do know someone who was struck by an axe and survived. He would probably be dead if the perpetrator had easy access to a gun.

In a previous house (in North Redondo) our neighbors included some 20 something brothers (who sold drugs, which is sorta related, but they were nice enough dudes). They had a big party and someone offended someone else who then got an axe and chopped at the offenders neck. It did not kill him. Many many police came with guns drawn and pointing not too far away from our house and me, my wife and my two then very young children went in the back of the house and stayed low in case bullets started flying.

Just speaking of people getting hit by with an axe and all.

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TIL being an axe murderer ain’t as easy as it sounds


Both my grandparents got strafed at on the reg during WWII and also some crazy-ass hunter took a potshot at my mom, so that makes three for me.