Coronavirus (COVID-19)


  1. Trump will not get Covid19

  2. Trump WILL get a large check when we bailout airlines and hotels

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His last tweet was 22 hrs ago? Please god.


I don’t think this simulation will let Trump die.


Just the flu bro.


Wherever he is planning to go may not welcome him, so his decision may be made for him.

Czech Republic up to 26 cases now with 5 tests coming back positive since this afternoon.

Still, all of the new ones are travel-related with four coming from ski trips abroad (two from Austria, two from Italy) and another from Boston. Sucks to see people bringing it in from abroad but at least they’re disciplined and getting checked out ASAP to minimize the odds of transmission within the country. Still only one instance of transmission wholly within the country.

That said, I really feel that you can only contain the illness for so long. Eventually, there’ll be a breaking point where it spreads through the country.

I have students traveling on a school trip to Austria this week. Wonder if they’ll go into quarantine when coming back.

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Bad idea, shutting the gates lowers your diplomacy.

According to my sister, who is a CRNA, Italy did the right thing but also the flu is much worse than coronavirus. She said 50 - 70% of the world will likely get it but it’s so mild it won’t matter and I should be more worried about the flu because it’s more deadly even though the low end of the COVID mortality rates are 5x as high.

I can’t even…

I think there have been more official cases exported from Massachusetts than are actually counted in Massachusetts right now. Similar to Iran a few weeks ago.

Fucked up world we live in.


Watch the Dems all vote for the airline/hotel bailout


Possibly COVID-infected Trump dining with Bolsonaro?



Of course they will, without question.

Yup. This person isn’t the first one to come from Boston to Prague with coronavirus either. One of the previous 21 came from a conference in Boston.

I think there are like 2 official cases in MA and they’ve exported about 10.

Finally good news


Hey! He got tested in CR so he doesn’t count against Trump’s numbers!!

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Now that’s the kind of trade deficit Trump is looking for!


But I was told that the CDC would be in charge of all the fuck ups and that we couldn’t possibly implicate the White House outside of Trump not having appointed better people?


America has the 3rd highest death rate of coronavirus in the world despite supposedly being USA #1.

The top two: Iraq (4 of 54) and The Phillippines (1 of 6)

It sucks that that’s pretty conclusive proof that our testing program sucks yet most people will never understand that or why it’s important.