Coronavirus (COVID-19)

People are so stupid.

Or maybe he couldn’t afford to miss the work and governments need to step in here and pay people to self quarantine in certain situations. But stupidity is a distinct possibility.


It was spreading at CPAC lolololol

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There is this dumb right wing protest movement that pops up in Canada sometimes called yellow jacket protests.

Just drove by one and a guy was holding a sign that said “Coronavirus is a liberal fantasy”.

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…or give $1,000 to every man, woman, and child in America.


There are now two additional cruises off of California with Covid issues, one Carnival, and another Princess. A full stop of cruising needs to be ordered.

Trump’s never going to do that, it might piss off his base of rich olds.

Why would he? Cruise ship people don’t count.


It depends. Do they charge you for the quarantine period? If not, then you get an extra long vacation with room and board for cheap!

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Preparing for the scenario that because I didn’t horde toilet paper I must hose my butt with the water hose

Never done it, but from what people say, once you try it that way you’ll never go back.

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Registering to vote from abroad is a pain in the ass but very much doable

I had a bidet delivered today. Used a self installed cheap one a few years back at the Vegas house I stayed at for a month and a Toto $10k toilet at my uncle’s house. It’s really weird at first but pretty great once you get the pressure right and get used to it.

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I bought and installed one of those Japanese toilet seats with a bidet for my wife a year ago. I rolled my eyes at the time but it turns out that it was a great investment.

Elite xpost.


White House officials appeared to minimize the risk but said they were taking precautions. Trump told reporters at hispersonal resort in southern Florida that he wasn’t worried.

“I’m not concerned at all,” Trump said as he met with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro for dinner. He also indicated that his campaign rallies, which draws thousands of supporters to large venues nationwide, will continue, saying: “We’ll hold tremendous rallies.”

Trump dying from coronavirus would be the ultimate irony


Using my One Time here. Please God, I promise to believe if you make this happen. This is the sign I’m looking for.


Trump leadership or no leadership which will have a better response to this outbreak?

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Jokes aside, there’s an issue here that has potential to further exacerbate the spread of the virus: people who have booked non-refundable travel and proceed with it against better judgment because they don’t want to lose money.

A friend of mine is in this situation. He and his wife booked a trip to Europe months ago–nonrefundable. He has already told me that if he can’t get his money back he’s going–virus be damned.

The only plus in his case is that he lives in Seattle, and might be better off being anywhere but there.

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