Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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It looks like Black Friday at Philly stores. First Wal Mart that was showing disinfectant wipes in stock online had no available shopping carts, and no wipes. Second one is also packed, no wipes, they had a few things I needed and I’m in line to check out. Took one thing of TP, they have plenty left. Runs on all disinfectant products. Did find nitrile gloves in the hardware section, though. Plenty… Could probably buy em all and flip em online but I’m not that shitty of a capitalist pig. Bought one box for myself.

Anyway, I’ve never seen stores this crowded outside of Black Friday and we only have a handful of positive tests in the area - all in the suburbs.

Keed should really read this to get some insight on Trump’s impact on the response from the beginning.

That headline was definitely written by a right leaning editor who ignored the gist of the article.

Man, the most simulation ending possible to all of this is Pence and Trump dying of Covid and us getting President Pelosi. We are definitely drawing live to that outcome.


And that still doesn’t sound remotely fun to me.

We’d get whiplash from how fast the deplorables went from TOTAL HOAX to HILLARY AND BIDEN MURDERED HIM WITH THE VIRUS!!!


Oh wait, I just realised a possibility. Did you think maybe he was hoping some sadistic billionaire would throw out 250k without expecting something in return…?.. Well that absolutely would be someone being dumb as a brick. I don’t know those sadistic billionaires so I assumed it was a wager.

I’d do it for that much money.

Definitely agree I would not call it a “smart” bet, but I’ll show my work on how this could be rationalized. Using the “Best Guess Epidemiology” #s for estimated infection rate. Pulled the others out of my arse.

If you need any Vons in Hollywood Riviera is loaded with TP. I’m tempted to buy it all and sell it from my trunk in the Costco parking lot.

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If you were a black dude the cops would likely put you in a fatal choke hold for that.

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I’ve decided that for the most part they’re going to switch from “lol libtards this is just like the flu” to “How you can you talk politics in this time of national crisis? People are dying. Now is not the time.”


durrr once offered a guy I know $50k to quit smoking (I think he was on 2p2 - the weatherman or something). Dude said he had to think about it. Came back the next day and said yes and durrr was like nahhh I was drunk and that was a one time offer. Dumbass. He was extremely regretful.

Depends on how loyal they are to Trump.

My friend is going in 2 weeks. I keep telling them to cancel but they won’t listen

At least those old 22 wagers were at least neutral or on the positive side of the fence. Quit smoking, run marathons, stay in a room, or a toilet, for a coupla weeks. If I was worth millions I might throw out 50k to perhaps get an online acquaintance to quit smoking.

But this one is just stupid. And offensive, as pointed out upstream.

And I’m going to troll the fuck out of them when they do.

Yeah why would anyone pay $250k? For that price you could infect 1,000 proud boys from /The_Donald.