Coronavirus (COVID-19)

  1. I wonder what the guy did at a 4 day conference where he never attended events in the main hall? Side meetings? Wanted free food and swag but no speeches? Just there for the plentiful Grindr action?

  2. Did he play poker @ MGM Nat’l Harbor?


Who in their right mind would even get on a cruise right now?

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Sane doorknob lickers?

Have you seen the deals? At these prices you can’t afford not to risk severe illness and possible death.


I’m usually in favor of bets that make people put their $ where their takes are, but this is really turning it to 11.


Well yeah, that, and legionnaires’ disease and norovirus.

Meh, for a young healthy dude (assuming this guy is one of those) it seems fine. Plenty of people put themselves at more or similar risk for a lot less money.

I’m sure we could find people who would snap accept for 2.5K.

President Trump didn’t know that the flu kills people, per President Trump.

Also President Trump: His grandfather died of the flu:


I think I’d do this. As mentioned ITT, if a large % of us are going to ultimately get this at some point, there is some logic behind getting it over with now (access to Doctors before medical system is overwhelmed). Depending on what variables you use, and how grim your outlook is, a bet like this may actually maximize your life EV. And you get $250k.

Depends. If they figure out that some common use antiviral makes this much less bad. You gonna feel pretty silly when you dead or have 30% lung function .

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I don’t understand - this isn’t a bet - it’s a ~18k/day blog - if he lives that long :zombie:

There is still some thought that you can get this more than once. Also there appears to be at least two strains of it. So getting a disease with a 1-3 percent fatality rate on purpose is not smart.

I’m at the grocery store and all the shelves are full. No crowd. No panic. Except: there were only 3 things of TP left. Jesus…you people. I only took one. Not hoarding.


The ABC article quotes the head of the CDC backing up Trump’s false claims about the regulation that Obama considered.

You’d have to be dumb as a brick to take his bet.

Young healthy guy gets a bad case of flu type stuff for a couple of weeks. Even if it went bad, he’d just call it off and hit the doc. He’s just trying to hook an idiot.

I’ll do it for 100k.

He’s going to feel real dumb when his health insurance doesn’t cover him intentionally getting the virus.

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It’s not a bet

It’s worth it for the, what, 40-1 shot (total spitballing) vs getting 250k. He should be giving up huge odds.

He should be ashamed of that tweet to begin with. A fricking hospital collapsed in China today but lets ham it up on twitter.

Drop the fricking bomb already.

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Nitpickers can fuck off! Let’s call it a gamble if you want.