Coronavirus (COVID-19)



Money first.

(Just so the those affected aren’t just statistics)

What an awful situation to be in - nothing I can say really - and the whole thing is only going to get worse.

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Not to be flippant, but would be nice to get a name/photo to check ride histories.

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Tried to tell my mother-in-law in Ireland that she should have a minimum of two-weeks food, toiletries, basic necessities and she lol’d and told me she’d get Dominoes if it came to that.


Who in gods name sets off on a cruise right now?


It’s really kind of surreal driving around my hometown watching everyone going about their business, knowing this train is barreling towards us.

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Narrator: It was

Narrator: It wasn’t


Some deals are just too good to pass up.


First confirmed case in Utah. Dude over 60. Retuned from Grand Princess cruise ship before they knew there was a problem, apparently. Self isolated and authorities are watching his family and other contacts, whatever that means.

My babysitter is on a cruise now. She paid for it several months ago and I guess didn’t want to cancel. She probably won’t be doing any more babysitting for us for a few weeks after she’s back.


I sympathize with people who are left in the position to decide what to do with big events scheduled in the upcoming months. For example, I’m scheduled to bowl in the National Bowling Tournament in Reno in early May. The tourney is scheduled to begin in two weeks and it runs about four months. It attracts thousands of bowlers every year from all over the country. Obviously its a big boost for the hotels in the area.

So if you’re in charge, what do you do? Cancel the whole thing? Let the whole thing go? Wait until Coronavirus becomes an issue in Reno and then postpone the event, maybe rescheduling teams for some other time this summer? I’m really looking forward to the trip, and I must say, if I were in charge, I would be lost in terms of what to do now.

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that’s not an event that’s a residency

Ha. You don’t stay for the whole thing. Just bowl your nine games over two days and go back home, maybe spending a few extra days gambling in Reno. But collectively, its four months.

I mean, if I was young and healthy and I didn’t have to worry about getting delayed in quarantine, a cheap cruise on an empty boat would be a blast.

I always thought cruising was AIDS, but turns out it’s COVID-19 instead. Close enough.


Friend of mine I haven’t seen in years posted a photo of himself on a cruise ship getting ready to take off from Long Beach yesterday. The caption said “vacation starts now.”

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Follow the lead of the healthcare industry. They should understand these things better than anyone, and they are cancelling conferences.

HIMSS was just cancelled. This draws ~ 40,000 people per year, and Trump was scheduled to speak this year. (Yeah, that decision gives me some pause.) There are some other healthcare related conferences that have also been canceled.

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Trump must know the shit is going to hit the fan if he’s shifting blame to Obama. No claiming victory here. Obama’s fault!