Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Shit just got real!

Is this a big deal? I’ve never heard of Richard Marx.

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Grandson of Karl

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It’s okay Richard. I’ll be right here waiting for you.


Don’t know that one, but my wife just sang me a couple of songs that I recognize.

This is so incredibly true!
It’s always, always, always all about him and his throbbing amygdala.

I have a colleague who was going to sit on some panel at that conference. The Trump thing was a huge mistake and a lot of people were considering not going for that reason, before any COVID stuff was a concern. She was saying that the original organizer had retired or moved on and was really pissed that the current organizer did something stupidly political like that.

Well according to Trump people are saying he’s the smartest virologist. I’m sure he could have taught a group of healthcare professionals something.

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Cancelling the conference probably cost some random executive who arranged the whole thing a shot at being the next Gordon Sondland

Two folks who tested positive in NYC had attended AIPAC conference in DC. The article says they were asymptomatic @ the time of the conference (but we think that people can spread the virus w/o showing symptoms, right?)

If AIPAC was a transmission vector, virus could hit DC political and gov community HARD.


Not sure if my Pony got cruise shipped but Stanford cancelled all classes.



Such a massive difference in serious/critical versus active cases in South Korea versus everywhere else with a significant number of cases. Like 0.5% versus 10%. And South Korea seems to have tested way more than most nations. So the conclusion has to be that most countries are only testing the worst cases? Or else South Korea has a milder strain?

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if they cancel my son’s preschool before they shutdown the university i will not survive.


I’m really tired of people trying to show how fair and balanced and calm they can be. These takes are bullshit. So many Facebook posts that boil down to “lol at these people freaking out, unlike me and my family who are doing the appropriate amount of stocking up of essentials with just the right amount of concern”

Also like if you say one horrible thing about the coronavirus you must balance it with one good thing. You can just say a million people are going to die without also mentioning that it might die out during the summer months with hotter weather.

Like one of my coworkers was telling me earlier that the coronavirus was created in a lab to kill and control the Chinese population but also its spread just like the flu so wash your hands and you’ll be fine.


They also have a smaller percentage of critical cases. Either they’re testing more so identifying more cases that don’t need hospitalization, or they’re identifying earlier and the mortality rate will creep up over the next 2 weeks. And the hospitals there are still operating within capacity. Combination of mostly 1 and 3 imo.

All of the above I’d say.

South Korea is testing way more than Italy so they’re catching those with few symptoms. Because they blanket tested every member of the ‘cult’ they caught more light cases and the cult members are much younger than those in bad shape in Italy. The average age of people dying in Italy is over 80.

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