Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Israel found 1st case after US.
Israel has very strict immigration, stating many Euros must self-quarantine on arrival but US citizens hey no problem
13 US citizems arrive in Israel and sent straight to quarantine (couldn’t get the tests at home but Israel sorted those on arrival)
Suspect Trump will leave them in Israel (doesn’t want the numbers)

No we must get them back as soon as possible even if it means flying them commercial with healthy people.

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Good news… US figures exclude infected peeps arriving on charter flights.

Yes, best to leave them there. Probably more respirators

It was pretty clear quickly that it was an immunodeficiency issue, because we were seeing all sorts of weird infections that we’d never seen before - and it was also pretty clear that it wasn’t especially contagious, because docs and nurses weren’t dropping like flies. And it turned out it that even low grade needlestick injuries very seldom led to HIV - not that we weren’t nervous. Probably the most anxiety provoking procedure was lumbar puncture - you’re waving around a 6 inch needle and trying to stick it between soft(ish) ligaments in the patients back to draw out fluid - which generally went well, but if the patient was agitated/confused it got a little…concerning. And you were pulling out 8cc of fluid which took a while, and there is a lot of fiddly steps with the needle and tubes, all of which could result in fluid exposure - and I would do 2 or 3 a shift. And they all did horribly, anyway, because we had ONE drug that was toxic as hell. Good times…


Malcolm Gladwell’s 1997 report on the Spanish-flu epidemic of 1918, which reached virtually every country, killing so many people so quickly that some cities were forced to convert streetcars into hearses.

My reading of this god awful sentence is that Malcolm Gladwell’s writing kills people.


If I die soon of coronavirus I’ll at least be comforted to know that I was ahead of the curve when it comes to hoarding rice, TP, and hand sanitizer. My family will think back fondly of me every time they wipe their ass.


I thought I appreciated having tp as much as the next person, but I guess not.


Re: the testing fuckups by the admin and CDC.

Call me cynical, but I’ve been surprised that the issue wasn’t something like they didn’t want the government making testing kits because some Republican senator/representative/governor/mayor/donor had a test kit making business that was going to get the contract.

ETA: or more blatantly, “Get your Don Trump Jr. home Coronavirus testing kit, now available at

My guess is the CDC’s problems are mostly incompetence. But the Trump appointees in charge might be deliberately making decisions (like not creating a parallel test kit pipeline using WHO’s formula, or the FDA being really strict about approving other tests) that are more likely to limit the # of tests.

Amtrak has suspended nonstop service between DC and NY.

Really don’t want to go anymore personally

I don’t know about trains but I seriously think air travel is a big problem. Maybe trains have the same issues except pressurized air.

How many times have you gotten sick right after a flight? I dunno if you get it on the flight or something about the stale air, stress and pressure changes brings it on. That Aussie doctor first felt sick on the flight.

Maybe it just accelerates the sickness you were going to get anyway.

I don’t think there is a greater risk on flights than most close proximity activity.

Yeah but I also think we’d have a very strong disincentive to fund any studies on whether or not and in what ways airline travel makes people sick - given how vehemently we prop up the airline industry.

It’s not like there’s not precedent for this. Has Trump’s administration ever admitted the actual number of deaths caused by Hurricane María?


I’ve been saying this for a long time. Glad it has a name now - Sadopopulism.