Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Opening the derail can of worms.

If you’re just talking about disease, 650k Americans died from what the Reagan administration called “the gay plague”. 32 million have died world wide. Both numbers could have been a lot lower.

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Reagan is another asshole, and his administration should have responded better to AIDS, but I don’t believe the response was anywhere near as incompetent as what we’re seeing here. And probably a lot of those same people would have died from AIDS even with a better response.

But I’ll admit you are more knowledgeable than me on a lot of history, and I could be wrong.

That is absolutely it. It’s such a common trait it’s ridiculous to think that Trump of all people gets beyond that level.

I think the opposite is true regarding the spread. Aids is relatively hard to spread and early action would have made a big difference. Seems like this is way more a case of there may be nothing anyone could have done or can do to stop the spread.

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What I can say is that the bungling of this coronavirus is seriously making me rethink not voting if Sanders doesn’t get the nomination.

Biden is a piece of shit but he isn’t enough of one to fuck things up this badly.

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You are mistaken here. Reagan’s response to AIDS is a legendary boondoggle based solely on bigotry and resulted in thousands of deaths and set back research a decade.

Check out this doc. It’s really good.

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Trump is a new level of stupid - I’m old enough to have been in training when HIV hit in Chicago, and we had NO idea what the fuck was going on, what the cause of the new disease was - hardly anyone had even HEARD about retrovirus infections. And we had pretty much no treatment for a lot of patients - I’d routinely sign in to my 10 bed area, and assume 6-7 of them were going to die in the near future. You can’t treat what you can’t see/understand, and it took a long time to get even some sort of basic understanding as to what was at the time a completely novel disease. Note that I’m referencing to the early part of the HIV event - it eventually became a political rather than medical event after several (?) years, and there were all sorts of horrible decisions made for political reasons - but initially, we were just in the dark.

Corona is close enough to MERS/SARS +/- influenza that this was foreseeable, at least in the sense that we’ve seen it before, and at least have a decent idea as to what should be done.


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I don’t know about that. It was still spreading when everybody knew exactly how not to spread it fairly early on, at least in developed countries. Our approach to the situation in Africa was horrific.

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Also derail material, but Trump being a coal roller and Biden at least being a “we’ll sign the Paris Accord” is enough to keep us held hostage to the Democratic Party unless we really have pitchforks and guillotines. Sad.


ROW testing US citizens on entry…

Thirteen US citizens thought to have been exposed to coronavirus are in quarantine in a hotel near Bethlehem.

The church group, who were on a trip to the Holy Land, are working with US and Palestinian authorities to try to get home.

“It was going to be the trip of a lifetime,” Chris Bell, lead pastor of the 3Circle Church in Fairhope, Alabama, told Reuters.

He is there with his wife, Nan, while his three children are being cared for in the US by friends and family.

The group is awaiting test results, he said, and no-one had left their hotel floor.

Palestinian security forces wearing gloves and masks are stationed around the hotel in Beit Jala.

Palestinian authorities in the Israeli-occupied West Bank declared a state of emergency after seven cases were confirmed in Bethlehem on Thursday.

Geez. I got students currently on holiday in Israel.

Beginning to wonder if the school will mandate a two week quarantine for them and the teachers who went with them. It might be a good idea.

I agree. I guess I’ll go vote for whoever these asshole Dems roll out this time. But man this system is horrible.

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I thnik it’s more the US citizens are arriving with it, rather than catching it whilst abroad

CZ should be safe… should i.e Israel have some pretty harsh travel restrictions on visiting Euro’s at the moment e.g Germans and French, Italians OFC

My employer is doing a better job with this than the Trump administration. We currently have multiple folks who are not allowed to return to work for a least two weeks, for now. Some returning from work in Japan, and some from skiing in Italy. Too bad we have people in all the time from all over the USA, so it’s not going to matter.

Bike Week kicks off this week and a cold front is hitting. Looks like they aren’t cancelling events. I’m sure it will all be fine.


I love that we ITT are not allowed to blame Trump for the issues with testing, meanwhile Trump is literally blaming Obama for the testing issues.


Wow that is awful. And it must have been scary for health care providers not understanding what it was and if they were are risk of getting it.

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My employer, a very large governmental agency, has indicated that employees that have to either quarantine or self monitor or who have possibly been exposed can take off from work indefinitely at full pay without charge to sick or vacation accruals. Every business and agency should be doing this. Even for private business not doing this will cost them a LOT more money in the long run.

There’s no difference between those two statements to me. Arrive with it means that they caught it abroad and brought it to America, no?

I’m worried about the school more than the country in general. Seems that the Ministry of Health has a grip on things for now. There has only been one community spread infection out of the 21 infected. But I got a lot of students in a small building. It’d suck to have the school close for two weeks because a student got a bunch of others in the school sick even if one of those wasn’t me.

This is going to be reverse Black Friday where I lose my restaurant job and my only option is to play online poker.