Coronavirus (COVID-19)



Just to be clear, you’re saying you think that Trump is responsible for the current lack of testing capacity and for the CDC guidelines for testing? Not just that he’s the guy in charge so the buck stops there, but that he actively caused this by ordering the CDC to constrain testing capacity and to restrict testing guidelines?

Remarkable that none of these nefarious actions has come to light in the media. The CDC leaked that the infected on the tarmac in Japan were brought back to the US over their objections, but they’re keeping quiet about Trump sabotaging the test capacity and interfering with the CDC’s testing guidelines? Seems unlikely.

That’s setting aside that Trump restricting testing capacity and discouraging testing doesn’t in any way further his political goals or position. If this turns out to be a big deal in the US the slow response will be disastrous for Trump, which should be immediately obvious.

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People might claim to be chill here in Prague about coronavirus but the lack of toilet paper at any Tesco says to me that we really care about assholes when the shit hits the fan.


Yesterday, Trump was still out touting how beautiful the testing is going and how anyone who needs a test can get one. Meanwhile in reality, our testing seems to be pretty much the worst in the developed world.

Nice way to make people paranoid suzzer.

Used self-checkout when I saw that the cashier was coughing into her hand while scanning items. Man you really get to see how unsanitary people are when you’re way too focused on it.

Guess there’s a benefit to being a bit of a loner.

Holy shit

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The county health director where Coachella is held was on CNN just now rolling his eyes and shitting on the idea that he should cancel Coachella because ‘there aren’t any cases in his county.’

When pointed out that hundreds of thousands of people will be coming from all over the world and might bring it with them, he says that someone could come there from from anywhere in the world any time anyway.


How often is the government broadcasting the number of cases in America?

We get twice daily updates via press conferences in the CR and the Ministry of Health website updates with all of the daily data related to diagnoses, number of people quarantined, where they’re quarantined, and tests given each day once a week.



Don’t know about the federal government. New York City and State are posting number of tests with positives and negatives to a website each day. And every local and national news broadcast I’ve seen for the past few days have given the latest numbers on national cases.

I’ve said it numerous times that each generation is much smarter than the one before it. My students prove it to me and cleverness like this does the same.

Of course

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We need a FACT CHECK on that obvious lie?


Trump is dumb. He’s burying his head in the sand and hoping it will go away.

“Sir, we need 100000 test kits immediately!”

“That’s ridiculous. This is just the flu.”

Is 100% believable when he’s hoping it amounts to no big deal and incapable of strategic thought.

Is there any doubt now that this steaming pile of shit is easily the worst POTUS ever?


Can people stop responding to Keeed?



I like keeed, but I put him on ignore for 2 weeks until this current spat of trolling blows over.

Try reading the post again. I didn’t ever declare it a certainty, but there’s a reasonable probability that Trump ordered the restricted testing guidelines and capacity.

About the only people who would have to be in-the-know that Trump was ordering this is ~3: Trump, Pence, and CDC guy. CDC guy dictates the testing requirements and capacity. Footsoldiers at he CDC leaked about the testing, but there’s nothing for them to leak about Trump’s involvement, because he doesn’t have to dictate to the footsoldiers.

Trump is stupid, and he has people telling him that this thing isn’t a big deal, and that’s what he wants to hear. If he’s convinced that infected people would just have a bad cold and then be fine NINETY NINE PERCENT of the time (and he has a hunch that it’s even higher than that), then there’s no need to cause a panic about them having coronavirus instead of just an unexplained cold.