Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Didn’t read anything further, so if someone else already set you straight, then you can disregard.

Getting it through contact with eye is certainly possible. One way that it would presumably happen is that it would get in your eye, get washed down your lacrimal duct and end up in your nose.

Not as direct as straight up touching your nose, but still a route of transmission I would think.

TLDR: there is a pipe from the eyelid to the inside of nose and it drains into your nose 24/7


I just found an unopened bottle of hand sanitizer in my house. Do I keep or resell on eBay for $100?


make it into two million gallons of homeopathic hand sanitizer


This is what hospitals are trying to plan for. Sure hope that seasonality or something slows it down.

S Korea is getting a lot of kudos for very fast and wide testing. Opposite of ‘Merica!

Grunching, from the American Academy of Ophthalmology page:

Several reports suggest the virus can cause conjunctivitis and possibly be transmitted by aerosol contact with conjunctiva.

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I was sitting here thinking about what should be happening right now that isn’t, given the problem of shortages of hospital beds. This isn’t the type of thing that could be done quietly, so I assume it’s not being done. But if I were POTUS, I’d have been ordering DOD (because I assume they can build it the fastest) to build makeshift hospitals in warm weather areas (worth a shot), where we can give people beds and oxygen. This should have already been started. We’ll be above capacity in numerous cities and it’s unfair to ask other cities to sacrifice the lives of their future sick to care for the sick of other cities for the entire 3-6 weeks. We need the federal government to be able to say, “You’ve got a few weeks before it’s bad here, give us 2-3 weeks and then offload them to us. This is not really a request, but regardless, your country thanks you.”

We should have been “asking” any company that can mass-produce oxygen tanks and other relevant equipment domestically to do so and to scale up to their maximum output. As POTUS, I’d be telling them they’re going to max out, they’re not going to raise prices one penny, they’re not going to export one unit until we have enough for our projected needs, and they’re not going to get a tax handout either. They’re going to get the thanks of the grateful nation and some great publicity afterwards, and if they do the right thing without complaining and go above and beyond, maybe a presidential medal… But if they start complaining or refusing, they’re going to get the bully pulpit smashed over their head in such public and epic fashion that nobody in this country will ever want to buy one widget from them ever again.

We should be training soldiers/national guard to help staff and monitor these hospitals - we won’t have enough doctors and nurses, so we need to offload the menial labor on others who can then pass info to doctors/nurses to get stuff done efficiently. We should be screening these forces already to determine who can do this without being at high risk - so under 40, no lung or immune conditions, etc.

We should be planning how to transport people, and how to manage regional crises.

I’m sure some of this is being done, but there’s no indication there’s been any abnormal efforts to scale up production of medical equipment and protective equipment beyond free market forces (you better believe we’d hear about it) and there’s nothing being built (we’d obviously hear about that too).

Instead we get (paraphrasing), “This will be totally fine it’s like the flu the numbers are very low folks and my approval rating is very high.”

This is one of those times where it shouldn’t really matter whether the president is a Democrat or a Republican, not to any large degree. It matters whether they’re competent or incompetent. I’d snap put Romney or Kasich in charge of this and feel like they’d do a decent job, even if I’d rather have Obama.

Just give me someone who understands the resources at their disposal, believes scientists and doctors, and gives a flying fuck. Give me someone who won’t play politics for at least a couple months because lives are at stake. That’s legit all we need, but we really needed them a month ago, so we’re basically on our own now. They’ll probably start building some of this stuff once it’s too late, and finish right after the outbreaks end.


Our local hospital system let our department know that their plan for when they are overwhelmed is to ship people to open rooms at a local nursing home(s). Unclear if they mean + c19 patients or the opposite. Either way I’m sure it’ll work out great!

The crazy part about Trumps mishandling of this is that if he just put competent people in charge and made real efforts to prepare, he’d be massively praised and it would give him a huge boost for November. Instead he shits the bed, but he’ll still win reelection anyway so I guess he doesn’t care.

I had pink eye very shortly before coronavirus broke out. It’d be pretty nuts if I had already had it and didn’t know. I mean it came with a bunch of other cold-like symptoms (cough, sore throat, stuffy nose etc) which was weird. Took about 2 weeks for everything to completely go away.

I mean it’s highly unlikely I did but still.

To that end, the president/feds should already be telling states/localities to plan for which hospitals will take COVID-19 patients and which will handle everything else. This should have happened weeks ago. If there are 4 hospitals in the area at 25% capacity, they should be directing all non life threatening non-COVID-19 patients cases to be moved to one hospital to max it out, and they should direct that hospital to prepare to reduce staffing to the minimal necessary and to plan on giving nurses/doctors to the others. They should basically say we’ll sort out who gets paid later, the government will step in to subsidize this if needed, but when this gets there it’s an all hands on deck situation.

They should be telling them to prepare to discharge people they might not normally if it’s non-life threatening and non-COVID-19 because lives will be saved getting those beds to the people who nee them. There should be plans in place to funnel patients to other regions if they are stable but need ongoing care.

I’m sure some of this is in place in generic CDC plans that probably exist for pandemics, but from the reporting I’m seeing and general stuff on Twitter from nurses and doctors, these preparations are not being made urgently for the near future. It should have already happened, people should already know, the public should already know there are plans in place. That’s how you reduce panic while keeping people informed.

On the legal end, the executive branch should be working with Congress to prepare to nationalize the medical equipment industry and hospitals if necessary, so that if some of them say “Fuck off, we pay our doctors and nurses they’re staying here and we’re not taking those patients from elsewhere,” they can be forced to do so… Same for health insurance. They should be preparing a bill to say, “Guess what, EVERYONE is in network for every covered condition effective 2/1/20 through the end of this pandemic. Further, COVID-19 and all testing and treatment are 100% covered with no copays. Yours truly, Congress.”


There are no competent people to put in charge. He has spent 3 years purging them all. It’s not hyperbole to say he literally cannot do a good job on this even if he somehow wanted too. Even if he decided to fire all the sycophants and install qualified people today it’s too late.

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“He became unwell with a runny nose on an internal flight from Denver to San Francisco on February 27, US time, then flew to from San Francisco to Melbourne on United Airlines flight UA60, arriving at approximately 9.30am Saturday 29 February.”

Well so much for that reddit piece which claimed a runny nose is definitely not one of the symptoms.


Right, I understand that. I guess I should have said had he kept competent people in charge and allowed them to properly prepare for this, he’d be highly praised.

I :heart: that our response to this virus is to close down schools for a bit. Like, great, let’s have the least vulnerable people stay home and let their parents stress out trying to provide daycare and you know a lot these kids are going to stay with their grandparents while schools are closed. It’s a smart plan, we thought this one through all the way.

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CDC death camps incoming… where is Alex Jones on this?


If the Democrats MO this time around isn‘t „When they go low, we go „fuck you“, they deserve to lose, no matter who the nominee is.


Anyway, more Czech Republic updates!

Two new cases today. We’re up to 21 out of 594 people tested. There were over 1,000 people in quarantine as of yesterday though I bet that number has gone up a lot given the new policy regarding travel from Italy. The two new cases were people who came back from Italy and are in home quarantine. So far, only one instance has been classified as community-spread, meaning spread exclusively within the Czech Republic rather than being infected by somebody who got it abroad.

They’ve expanded the mandatory 2 week home quarantine to include foreigners with temporary of permanent residence rather than just Czechs traveling from Italy.

He’s shitting the bed because he knows exactly what he would do doing in this situation if Obama was president - tweeting out panic-inducing incendiary content with every new case. He did it with Ebola.


Pinkeye was going around my work and family earlier this year as well. I didn’t get it but glad everyone stopped passing it around before the coronavirus broke out.