Coronavirus (COVID-19)

idk why they’re telling people not to touch their eyes.

my reasoning is the infection seems to be focused on the lungs. lots of bugs are successful because they target a certain type of cell. like hiv with white blood cells or legionella with alveolar macrophages. there are bugs that are specialized to attack the eyes, but idk from what i’m reading lung stuff seems to be what’s going on here

Yeah it seems to attack the lungs and have an impact on mucus production. So you’re saying it’s unlikely to be able to get in through the eyes and then move down to the sinuses and lungs?

i think if you don’t have any cuts in your conjunctiva then it’s unlikely. but i could be wrong, i mean there is very little known about this shit rn

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Previous studies have suggested that kids were far less likely to develop severe symptoms when infected by the coronavirus, compared with other age groups. But it was not clear if it was because they weren’t getting infected or if they were fighting off the infection more effectively than others.

“Kids are just as likely to get infected and they’re not getting sick,” says Justin Lessler, an infectious-disease epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland. He co-led the study with Johns Hopkins epidemiologist Qifang Bi, and epidemiologists Ting Ma, at the Harbin Institute of Technology in Shenzhen, and Tiejian Feng, of the Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention. They posted the analysis to the medRxiv preprint server on 4 March.

The study is unique in that it looked at not only people who were infected with the virus, but also large numbers of their close contacts, some of whom were infected and many who were not. The researchers followed 391 people who were diagnosed based on their symptoms, and 1,286 of their close contacts to see whether they tested positive for the virus even if they didn’t show symptoms. Overall, the team found that children under 10 who were potentially exposed to the virus were just as likely to become infected as other age groups, with about 7 and 8% of contacts of known cases later testing positive.

They also found that people who lived in the same household as an someone infected with the virus — and came into close contact with them — were about six time mores likely get infected, compared with people who made contact with an infected person in other settings.

“This may be the first clear evidence that children are as susceptible as adults to SARS-CoV-2 infection,” says Ben Cowling, an infectious-disease epidemiologist at the University of Hong Kong. He now wonders whether the fact that outbreaks haven’t been observed in schools could be down to the fact that children’s symptoms are mild.


Can we learn or deduce anything from how kids’ immune systems respond that might be helpful in treatment or in developing vaccines?

uhhh coo be

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Another interesting excerpt from that link…

Drugs that treat HIV and an experimental antiviral developed to fight Ebola virus are among those that are being rapidly tested against the new coronavirus. There are no approved treatments for diseases caused by coronaviruses. But hundreds of clinical trials of drug candidates are planned or under way, with much of the focus on remdesivir, a candidate drug originally developed to treat the Ebola virus.

The drug, developed by pharmaceutical firm Gilead Sciences of Foster City, California, is being tested in partnership with Chinese health authorities in randomized, controlled trials; two of these are set to finish in April. The compound works by trying to prevent the replication of the virus. “Remdesivir has quite high efficacy across all different coronaviruses and therefore it is one of the prime candidates to start being tested,” says Vincent Munster, chief of the viral ecology unit at US National Institutes of Health.

fuck off. You’re reducing complicated public health problems to petty, reductionist, simple minded political point scoring. But I’m the one derailing this thread, right?

The map is interesting. It’s one of the few times living in a poor country is good as your fellow citizens can’t afford to travel.

With so many people not travelling, it’d be so cheap to go to South America now.

It’s not a few.

This really is a bizarre time for you to be all out stanning for Trump’s administration.

It is literally 100% that they are lying, covering up, and manipulating information. It will result in unnecessary sickness and death. It’s been proven itt many times and everything we know about him makes it’s completely obvious. You can see it happening before your eyes.

Historians will write about it as a calamitous public policy response to a national emergency.

I’m the first to call out tin foil hat conspiracy thinking. I literally spent years of my life studying it when I was involved in the skeptic society.

This is not that. You need to step back.


Not sure what you mean?

This is nonsense. The reason there aren’t more tests being done is because the CDC fucked up the development of the tests. This wasn’t done at the direction of the Trump administration–if it was, that would be an enormous story. It was a fuck up, which is still a big story. Thinking that the lack of testing capacity is a deliberate strategy of the administration is, indeed, conspiratorial nonsense.

The times that living in a poor country can be good is way more than a few.

Don’t know if my ship is late in sailing but…

Cruise ship passengers to be tested by US authorities

Authorities in the US are preparing to test passengers on the coronavirus-hit cruise ship Grand Princess, after 21 people on board tested positive for the illness.

Ok I’m done with you. You are being purposely obtuse and willfully ignorant.

It takes two seconds of googling to learn Trump’s administration has spent the last three years dismantling the national pandemic response, eliminating key bureaucrats, and specifically targeting the CDC.

His budget last month, 11 days AFTER the WHO named COVID-19 an international health emergency, proposed more CDC cuts.

It is a huge story. One that is being widely reported. You are simply pretending not to know it.


None of what you’re saying (much of which, unsurprisingly, is overstating what Trump has actually done at CDC) is relevant to my point. Cuse is saying that the lack of testing isn’t because of budget cuts. It’s not because of getting rid of this team or that bureaucrat. It’s because the administration doesn’t want there to be testing; it’s a deliberate strategy. Which is obviously conspiratorial nonsense.