Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Thank you, Hobbes. I hope you are doing well, or as well as can be.

Hey - cleared my first hurdle today and got accepted into my clinical trial (my labs qualified me) - which is potentially a really good thing. Next jump is when I complete 4 more weeks of chemo/radiation. Then we’ll see - but so far so good



This is actually not a nursing home but a hospital. There must almost be no tests at all.

No way they’re trying to cover up the number of cases though, right @anon10396289?


i don’t think eyes are a big deal. it’s a respiratory disease. plus the eye has a covering that’s kinda like skin

chin bugs make me think you might inspire some though your nose. especially if you have a chin beard


lol at not being clean shaven. C’mon guys, the beards have to go, we’re in a pandemic here.


I know I’m in danger of being too optimistic here, but could it be that they’re preparing to move testing to a dedicated site and attempting to limit exposure to other patients and staff?

Im onboard with the narrative about the US reaching for the nukes too easily, but Trump seems to me much less interested in flexing his muscle through actual international conflict than most of his predecessors…probably the only upside to having a 100% grifter president.

No way people ban travel from the US.

I hope you are right. At the very least the messaging from health officials and leaders in North America has been poor.

Are you in a medical field? Never knew that if so.

Holy fucking shit the level of lying is nuts even by Trumpian standards.

Oh you sweet summer child

Welp, so much for going to bed now

There’s a case in the Philly suburbs of someone who caught it in Boston at a conference, and then came home, went to the hospital and tested positive.

The hospital she went to is 1.5 miles from one of the casinos I regularly play in. Ugh…

pff, medicine. without my field, all medicine would grind to a halt. hobbes would be rubbing herbs and leeches on people like an idiot. doctors do what i tell them to do. they’re my puppets. i’m far, far more important to “the medical field” than a doctor.


Receptionist in a doctor’s office?

Pharmaceutical sales rep?

Married to a doctor?

Health insurance CEO?

I give up…

I assume either a pharmacist or you’re like a scientist in pharmaceutical research or something?


all good answers except pharmacist lol, but molecular biologist is what i was thinking of


I guess the good news now is that my highest exposure risk from this patient was likely last week, when of course this information wasn’t publicly available, and they claim to be aggressively tracing potential contacts. I’m basically stuck just trusting PA officials on that one.

I keep reminding myself that the R0 is likely 2-3, so the odds of me catching this without making direct contact with her is absurdly low, it’s very hard to catch when people are not yet symptomatic, so basically there should be a couple more weeks before the risk starts to go up.

So looks like another week or two making money in partial lockdown mode, then nearly full lockdown mode will commence (I plan to work on my Internet business while locked down and make 1-2 trips a week to the post office with extreme precautions).

I’m giving myself a B+. Scientist in pharma research was reasonably close.

So if eyes aren’t a big deal, why do we keep hearing about not touching our eyes? Is it because viruses in general can be transmitted that way and we just don’t know for sure yet?

I’m learning so much about how stuff is transmitted from all of this. I feel like if I survive COVID-19, my risk of catching a cold in a given year is going to go down quite a bit lol…