Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I think most people are talking about the summer break and then the winter bounce back - not the deadly mutation part.

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No, you sanitize before touching all this stuff after touching surfaces OTHER people touched like gas pumps, doors. etc. Doesn’t matter if you already touched the surfaces in your car yourself. You’re trying to sort of isolate your personal environment and give yourself a safe zone of sorts is how I look at it.


I have about 15 people in my writing class. I watched them yesterday and almost every single person constantly rubbed their face, scratched at things, or rested their face on their hands - often the mouth. Writers may be particularly bad about this for some reason.

True, but I’m the only one that has been in the car and touched any of those things in the last six weeks.

I guess the idea is to minimize the chance of coronavirus getting on those surfaces.

All things being equal, I think the hand sanitizing after touching a gasoline pump probably helps a tiny bit.

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With lots of big events being cancelled I wonder how long it will be before professional leagues take action?

btw comments on these type of tweets are always wild with lots of dummies claiming everything to be an overreaction.

Meanwhile today a boomer was eating a big cobb salad and picking pieces out with his hands at the poker table, while touching cards and chips. Bathing in germs to own the libs.


If the skin on your hands is drying or cracking from all the washing, a couple of tips: use cooler water and pat your hands dry (don’t rub).

My skin tends to dry and get itchy in winter party because I use warmer water.

@anon38180840 and others


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33C = 91F
28C = 82F

Great stuff, though. Resisting the urge to crank the heat in my apartment to 83 :).

Two dead in Florida and two more positive cases in Broward county. Getting real in the sunshine state. Warm weather is not slowing this down!

I have a shit immune system. Kinda resigned to the fact that this is how I’m going to die.

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The 2 Florida deaths got it overseas.

We are not finding out about these cases until they show up to hospital with serious illness. This is how it went down in Wuhan!

Oh how I wish it were this easy. I’m always itching somewhere, maybe it’s my allergies or just me but it’s about 100 to 1,000 times harder not to if I know I can’t do it. Been sanitizing to do it lately when I’m out, or using the inside of my shirt color or something like that.


well, that’s not freaky at ALL.

Captain Trips is here, boys. Are we doing Boulder or Vegas?

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A couple of deaths doesn’t mean that it’s easily spreading there necessarily. People could have picked it up elsewhere.

If ya’ll are washing your hands so much that they’re cracking already this isn’t going to end well for you. Like, let’s accept the fact that you can’t make a part of your body into a class 10 cleanroom without doing a lot of damage to the living tissue that is your hands and skin and when your hands are cracked and bleeding that’s a great way for them to get infected. Get some aloe vera on that, you guys.


Good stuff… The lotion has mostly helped. The back of my hands, oddly enough, is the place where the skin is the slightest bit dry and flakey. Last place I would have guessed.

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I think the real thing is to not touch your eyes/nose/mouth. @beetlejuice please confirm. Scratching your chin is fine AFAICT. Keep your fingers out of your holes.

I feel you. I feel the same way. I’m almost embarrassed by the stuff I’m thinking about doing in terms of preparations for a worst case scenario.

But take your precautions and try to relax and not worry too much. I know that’s a massive task for me, but it’s what we have to do!

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