Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Are you talking CPAP like the machines for sleep apnea?

And now I’m terrified again.


Yeah, this. We’re on track for a million or even 2 infected by May. That’s just based on confirmed cases here, who knows how many we missed. When hospitals start running out of oxygen mortality rates will start to look less like Korea and more like Wuhan.
The strategy of hiding the spread by not looking at it can maybe work until hospitals get overwhelmed, then it’ll be impossible to ignore.

I’d be pretty comfortable starting about now that the ongoing deaths will be pretty well identified in terms of coronavirus - testing is online and the numbers are growing - and from what I understand the current testing is going to be good enough for government work. Trump will spin it like crazy, but I’d guess the numbers will end up being what they are moving forward. Of course, if he has a molecule of common sense he should be shouting for EVERYONE to be tested, to drive down his denominator. He may have another out if it turns out the Covid markedly decreases as spring/summer begin, but that’s completely unknown (AFAIK) at present.


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Has there been one hot weather outbreak yet?

Same principle but different delivery. Home CPAPs provide a gentle breeze compared to the ones used on ambulances and in hospitals. It’s been a game changing treatment especially for first responders. Works incredibly well in still conscious but severely respiratory distressed patients. I can’t imagine withholding it from someone who needed it, virus or no. I guess not using nebulized treatments makes some sense but ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Good thread, this is what I was getting at.

thanks for terrifying anyone that reads this lol

Can you elaborate? I have asthma and sleep apnea. Like is using an inhaler a bad idea now?

Exponential math is quite fun when growing large tanks of microbes (my job). It really sucks on disease outbreaks however. The author is correct. Even if we are more conservative by a factor of 4 we only shift the impact 2 weeks.

I suspect that behavior will slow the spread through voluntary isolation through fear and a short term attention to detail (hand washing, not touching your face). And hopefully some other anti viral will have some positive impact vs Cv and keep the numbers below the disaster point (and still there will be much bigger local disasters like Iran or even hyper local like Kirkland). And no bad mutation. Fingers crossed all around.

And to all the election suspension speculation folks-stop it please for no other reason than I need to be able to sleep at night.

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I mean none of this is new. We’ve been basically right here with her on the same exact timeline ITT since mid January. That is why I was so pissed off with BS when he was saying we can’t afford to wreck the economy when we’re all likely to eventually get it anyway. Slowing it down matters big time.

I guess we missed in understanding how fast PPE would be at a premium. Kind of sucks that it’s all made in China.

And since we have our thumbs up our asses, we’ll likely be dealing with multiple Wuhan type situations at the same time. And will be unable to bring in resources from other areas to help.

And I think this is the stuff that jman was thinking about when he was saying that society breaking down is in play.


No definitely don’t stop using your inhaler! From that snippet it seems like that particular EMS system isn’t using neb treatments, maybe just in that nursing home. Nothing about prescribed inhalers. Please continue doing whatever your doctor tells you to do lol

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Well Washington State just put out guidance that we don’t need negative pressure rooms unless the patient is in surgery or on a ventilator. This is against CDC guidance, and the state sure as hell isn’t trying to be a hero by being the only state in the union saying negative pressure isolation is overboard. We are doing it because we are very quickly running out of these specialized rooms.

No, use your inhaler. There is a theory that infected patients using nebulizers can spread the virus easier to other people in the room.

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This will likely have run its course by November.

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Russia is the kind of place that could actually pull off calling it viral pneumonia all the way to death.

1918 flu 2nd wave was apparent by early September. That means it had to get rolling in summer.

My understanding of seasonality has to do with people spending a lot of time indoors together. Not so much as survivability on surfaces (my own speculation I will try to research more).

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Hand sanitizer TR just for Trolly. Today I got out of my car and pumped some gas. Stuck my card in the slot without touching anything on the pump. I guess if there is coronavirus on the inside of the credit card slot, then all is for naught.

Pumped gas as normal. Then hand sanitized before getting back into car.

I guess if I had a Tesla, I wouldn’t have this issue.

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Maybe this first wave will have run its course, assuming we get lucky and heat and humidity slow it down. But it will probably just be ramping back up by November.

Way upthread someone posted some sources supporting bolded.