Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Yeah Costco people are like - this it, the drill is over. Time to apply all our skills obtained on the range and parade grounds in a real battlefield situation.

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Toss-up. SARS is the same family as this one.

The current flu needs higher infectivity* and lethality. Coronovirus only needs lethality.

There is some resistance reservoir to most flu variants. This coronovirus seems to be much more novel in terms of immune recognition.

That said, there is a much longer track record of this happening with influenza. 1957 was 116,000 deaths in the US and over a million worldwide.

*yes flu is very widespread as a low lethality form currently, I mean a novel immune responsive version. One good thing about most of us having been exposed is that we can muster some defense. We expect that once everyone has this coronovirus it may become more like a typical flu.

I guess NYC went out and bought some tests?

They don’t do any original reporting afaik. They like read actual journalists’ reporting and talk about it for an insufferably long time. Oliver himself says he isn’t a journalist (he isn’t).

Based on one data point I’ve concluded Oliver is a journalist.

Cold weather is really starting to look like a huge factor.

Coming for you, Yuv.

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Jesus Christ, this $8B bill is $7B in SBA loans and $1B in other funding??? What in the actual fuck? Apparently Pelosi went hard for the $7B in SBA loans.

Fuck the people, as long as the economy does well. God Bless America?


Yeah and like $3B to create a vaccine that will then be too expensive for many people to get.

“Here’s billions of dollars to help you create a vaccine that you can then sell at obscene prices”

Thanks, man. There’s not much to add on that front, fortunately. My wife’s sister went out yesterday to buy food and stop at her apartment to pick up various things. She has a husband and daughter but they frequently stay with her parents anyway. She was stopped twice by cops and forced to show a permit which was not legally sufficient but was allowed to pass through nonetheless. That’s China, pretty much: a police state of police who mostly don’t give a shit (not that I would prefer them to have acted differently, of course).

I have another friend in Wuhan who just had her first child in December and while she and her family is healthy as of now, the rising cost of food is a growing concern for them.

My wife’s company wants to transfer her to Singapore as soon as all this is over, but who knows when that will be.


Glad they’re doing okay, at least as okay as it seems is possible there right now.

That’s like saying meta-analysis or systematic studies aren’t science.

I never said they do original reporting. They are amazing at synthesis.

This article says the SBA loans are only $20m.

Right, when you said they were a “deep dive reporting show” that doesn’t imply they do any, you know, reporting. Gotcha.

WTF, the Politico guy on Twitter says it’s $7B.

A Pelosi press release also mentions the $7b, I’m gathering that it represents allowing existing money to go to Coronavirus relief and is not included in the $8b appropriation.

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In Israel they broadcast over the news every single location an infected person been in the past X days. Here it’s like “well she got it thru community and that’s all we gonna tell you”. It’s like an easter egg hunt and the prize is death.


Yeah I was not aware of that either. So they have done nothing to actually fund the response directly to the virus.

So worthless.