Coronavirus (COVID-19)

That’s a relief, then.

man I really hope they don’t start doing that here and I catch the Corona Virus. They’ll be all

OK in the past three weeks Senor Keed has been to the following places:

His apartment
His workplace


Thanks Cororavirus. I normally don’t buy insurance on hotel bookings but I did this time just in case the event I’m going to gets canceled

Seems you are correct.

The legislation will pump more than $3 billion into research and development of vaccines and therapeutics; $2.2 billion to help public health agencies prepare and respond, including by boosting testing capabilities; and nearly $1 billion to procure medical supplies and pharmaceuticals.

And they’re making a lot of info like that available in South Korea, too.

My buddy is sick and went to the doctor and he’s worried, of course. Tested negative for strep throat and the flu, asked the doctor about coronavirus and the doctor asked if he’s been in contact with anyone who tested positive. He’s like well I’ve been through three airports in the past week and was in contact with people from Seattle. The doctor said yeah, but did any test positive?

Like, how the fuck should he know? They don’t release names, they don’t release details, he doesn’t know the name of every single person on his flights even if they did.

Our system to address coronavirus is a fucking joke right now, and it’s by fucking design and it’s a fucking outrage. More people will die because of this, and it’s all being done to save Trump’s political ass.


No!!! I looked into this, the fine print legal mumbo jumbo effectively says it doesn’t cover Coronavirus.

This seems nuts to me. If the corona virus blows up big here and the prevailing narrative is that the administration botched things it will be enormously damaging to Trump. I don’t have an explanation for why things have been botched but it seems like the people responsible are career bureaucrats at CDC. There is only one political appointee at CDC, its head, and he seems eminently qualified. In any case thinking that the administration deliberately botched the response to help Trump politically is a totally insane explanation for the testing problems, a much more likely explanation is inertia and incompetence.


I don’t think the design is Trump’s work.

who’s the mastermind?

You are correct I think. Here’s the Coronavirus bill:

From a quick scan:

  • $3.4b - Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund
  • $2.2b - CDC “wide activities and program support”
  • $838m - NIH - specifically the Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
  • $435m - Global health programs
  • $300m - International disaster assistance
  • $264m - Diplomatic programs
  • $250m - Economic support fund
  • $61m - FDA salaries and expenses
  • $20m - SBA loans
  • $1m - Office of the Inspector General

That all adds up to just shy of 7.8bn. Not sure what I’m missing to take it to 8.3.

Anyone who shaped the American healthcare system in the past 300 years.

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that’s certainly less crazy than cuse’s theory of a by-design incompetent response to help Trump.

We had no problems with Swine Flu or Ebola. What changed? We had a month’s head start. Who do you think all those people report to? The motherfucker who’s out there saying everything is fine, nothing to see here, best coronavirus response ever, so few positive tests.

If you don’t see this for what it is in year four, I don’t know what to tell you.

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Feel free to peruse the Chiefsplanet DC thread for the full blown effects of Trump’s downplaying.

There wasn’t large scale testing done in the US for either epidemic. If that had been necessary maybe they would have screwed that up too. The idea that Trump is micromanaging the testing response to not have many tests available is completely nuts.

Apparently this was a big deal up in Anniston, AL

“We will gladly take your federal dollars and jerbs, as long as we don’t have to, you know, do anything for it.” Fucking Alabama man

I’m sick of panicking over this. I need to get away from the internet for a while.

Time for some live poker and then hit the gym.



Yea it was a big deal, I saw plenty of people raging about it on Facebook

They should close the facility and move it to a state that sucks less

I recently read that we had prepared a couple hundred thousand test kits for both situations, but didn’t need to use them. Is that inaccurate? I think it was in an Atlantic article somebody recently linked.