Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I mean, I’d be more worried about the regular flu mutating into some killer superbug than coronavirus.

Only 31 cases in India seems super dubious.

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Maybe, or maybe the heat and humidity thing is a factor.

Was next to two coworkers talking about how this was all a plot to bring down Trump’s economy. I laughed at one of them and told him he was funny.

Is Iran not that warm in February?

I checked Tehran a few times and was surprised to see highs in the 50’s (F) over the time period I was checking. I think ChrisV also noted the same somewhere ITT.

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A lot of Iran is in the mountains and super cold. In the summer the part by the Red Sea is the most uncomfortable place on earth - 110+ and high humidity. Sounds delightful.

I’m not 100% sure but I don’t think the big cities where they are having problems are in the super cold mountains. (I don’t think you were implying that, but I’m not exactly sure why you posted that.) But I was surprised to see Tehran wasn’t like 100 degrees F even this time of year.

No part of Iran is anywhere close to the Red Sea.


Meanwhile most testing in the US is dependent upon having arrived here from China or Italy.

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Oh yeah, I was thinking of Persian Gulf.

To achieve today’s astronomical heat index level of 165, Bandar Mahshahr’s actual air temperature registered 115 degrees (46 Celsius) with an astonishing dew point temperature of 90 (32 Celsius).

When you’re praying for 105 with 50% humidity.

We’re a couple weeks away from other countries banning or quarantining people from the US.

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Potential case here in Indy.

Tehran is at 4000’ - that’s good to be decently cold in the winter and take the edge off in the summer somewhat. It’s also at the same latitude as Oklahoma.

That’s because they want to blame it on traveling and being brought in from other countries.

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That’s already happening with Pacific Island countries.

Maybe not yet. Give it a few years. Yemen is volatile. Who knows?


Oregon, situated between the California and Washington hot spots, can test only about 40 people a day. Texas has 16 positive cases, according to media reports, but the health department’s website still lists only three cases. The Texas Tribune has reported that the state can test approximately 30 people a day.

Went to Costco at open and they had Clorox wipes and at checkout the cashier said “are you sure you want just one” and I replied “no I’m not sure” and we all laughed and then I ran back in and got another that was probably one of the last ten in the store at 10:20am. Whoever said you average Costco shoppers have been subconsciously doomsday prepping for years was right lol.