Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Maybe Canadians don’t get humor

He’s saying Canadians always generalize while at the same time generalizing all Canadians into one category

It’s a great joke


NYC has tested nearly 36 people.


My campus is testing 3 students.

Yeah Fuck Delta and their racist employees.

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True enough. One part of the story that makes it even more stupid is that they were airborne for at least part of the confrontation. What were they even going to do at that point? Try to force her to wear a mask or something?

I raised that as a possibility and she considered it but for now settled on a sternly-worded email to their customer service. Likely won’t have much impact but she has too much going on to wage a public battle over it.

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Looks like we’ll be testing a lot more people.


That’s pretty discouraging if they are testing everyone and have 0.6% mortality rate this early on. Many of the people they tested will still die since it takes 4-6 weeks so the true rate is probably in the 1-2% range while the flu is like 0.1%. So best case this is 6x worse than flu but most likely it’s 10-20x.

It’s the lower end of the ranges being floated out there though.

From the WHO briefing:

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: We see encouraging signs from the Republic of Korea. The number of newly reported cases appears to be declining, and the cases that are being reported are being identified primarily from known clusters. Although a few countries are reporting large numbers of cases, 115 countries have not reported any cases. 21 countries have reported only one case, and five countries that had reported cases have not reported new cases in the past 14 days.

The experience of these countries, and of China, continues to demonstrate that this is not a one-way street. This epidemic can be pushed back, but only with a collective coordinated and comprehensive approach that engages the entire machinery of government. We’re calling on every country to act with speed, scale, and clear-minded determination. Although we continue to see the majority of cases in handful of countries, we’re deeply concerned about the increasing number of countries reporting cases, especially those with weaker health systems.

However, this epidemic is a threat for every country, rich and poor, and as we have said before, even the high income countries should expect surprises. The solution is aggressive preparedness. We’re concerned that some countries have either not taken this seriously enough, or have decided there is nothing they can do. We’re concerned that in some countries the level of political commitment and the actions that demonstrate that commitment do not match the level of the threat we all face.

This is not a drill. This is not the time to give up. This is not a time for excuses. This is a time for pulling out all the stops. Countries have been planning for scenarios like this for decades. Now is the time to act on those plans. These are plans that start with leadership from the top. Coordinating every part of government, not just the health ministry. Security, diplomacy, finance, commerce, transport, trade, information, and more. The whole government should be involved. We need a whole government approach.

Yeah we’re screwed.


A 38 year old Israeli bus driver with no prior illness is unconscious and in critical condition after driving a group of Greek tourists some of which tested positive for Corona. Like the flu.

She should have just coughed the whole flight.

Right at the attendant

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I just want to go back around to Corona beer being screwed. People just call the virus Corona now.

Shingles ouch. The vaccine sucked but after watching my Sister in law go through full blown shingles I’ll take a couple of days of fever and achy joints (they put something in the new vaccine that is intended to elicit a strong immune response).

This is what I meant by saying it depends how they are using this data to calculate the death rate. Hopefully, they are making the necessary adjustments and not just looking at deaths versus total numbers tested.

I don’t remember if you gave an update about your family’s situation, but I hope your wife and her family are all OK in Wuhan.


Good job Congress. Taking care of your supporters first.

The death rate is highly condition specific. Reported that one strain is worse and we know that healthy vs vulnerable populations are hugely different. (I think the China data varied from 0.2% to close to 8% in the really old and infirm).

So if it gets into an old folks home early and the rate is going to look really high and is probably actually pretty bad.

Again- moderate lethality and high spread is the deadliest combo. Also from a pure numbers perspective, the more widespread the more opportunities for a mutation that makes it worse. Not that it will happen, but that is can happen and has happened.

Imagine a mutation that made this as deadly as SARS. That’s Contagion basically.