Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I think some states could do this. (CA, MA, WA, NY, CT, VA are candidates and perhaps even NC since they have a very strong tech/healthcare workforce)

Canada didn’t find something funny everybody! Therefore anybody who didn’t pretend to be offended to feel superior to somebody else like Canada is a bad person.


Dunno if ponied, but South Korea has done a lot of testing of the general population (not just people with symptoms) and the results seem to be reason for less worrying.

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Yeah sure discouraging thinly veiled threats to rid the forum of those turbulent Trumpkins via mass terrorism is about “offense”. Again: perfectly acceptable in lol Free Speech #1 get 'er done America, quite literally a crime in most other countries.

Couple points here:

  • Maybe it’s predominately the less deadly strain in SK if the 2 main strain thing is true
  • They are only now, for significant numbers of infected, about to hit the 4 week period when death typically occurs. So it’s possible the numbers look worse later.
  • How are they calculating the death rate? Lot’s of testing will catch lots of people in the early stages, but death doesn’t usually happen for roughly 4 weeks. In that case, depending on how the death rate is calculated, lots of testing could paint an artificially positive picture.
  • Lots of testing might be limiting the spread so that the healthcare facilities are not getting overwhelmed and each patient can get the care they need and therefore having a more positive outcome.

Every country should be testing as much as possible so we can understand the risks as quickly as possible.

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Whatever. The Trumpkins have released the whirlwind and they will pay the price. Clearly, USA #1 needs to upgrade its laws against sedition.

He’s an edgelord, just ignore him.

I’m fine with Bruce being arrested for carrying out what he posted

Kudlow on CNBC. “Just go to work, everything is fine”. Sitting here alone in my living room, while my wife and son are asleep, I thought about my parents, one in TX the other in OR, and I started crying. They are in there 70’s.
Never been this scared in my life. Never been so disappointed in my country.

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Why should it be a crime to attend a rally with a bug that’s no more dangerous than a minor cold? Most people don’t even know they have it, folks.


Been considering flying back to USA for the past month but now I’m pretty convinced I’m safer in Taiwan.

Coronavirus is picking up steam here in the Czech Republic. The first three cases got here on March 1st. Yesterday, we had our first case of community spread coronavirus where the mother of one of the original three cases contracted it. As of yesterday, there were 12 positive cases out of 407 tests given.

Today, there are six new cases which bring that number up to 18 (no report on number of tests given). Four of the six are related to travel in Italy. Nothing mentioned about the other two. But there will definitely be more as spring break at a bunch of schools in the country comes to an end and families come back from holiday. Northern Italy is a very popular skiing destination for well-off Czechs.

A mandatory 2 week self-quarantine* is required for anybody coming back from Italy and those who don’t do it risk getting fined up to three million crowns (about $184,000). No idea how or if they will enforce it but hopefully people take it seriously. Thankfully, the government will reimburse businesses that have to pay out this unexpected sick leave. Hopefully, that incentivizes people to obey the order.

They’re really banking on people obeying the quarantine. A lot of students are coming back from spring break all over the country and northern Italy is a popular skiiing destination for well-off Czechs. I know my school sent out a message stating that all kids coming back from Italy need to stay out of school for the next 2 weeks. Next week is going to be very interesting with 20+ students and teachers coming back from Israel and a bunch going to Austria. Shit my students’ families are rich.

*Basically you get back from Italy, call your GP to get a doctor’s note mandating the quarantine and you actually do it.


I’m going to go back and give it a like for spite now.


So NYC has tested 35 people, or roughly 0.0004% of its population.

I’m sure all those things are true and you’re following this more closely than I am, but it seems like sampling the general population is doing something towards figuring out the actual infection and thus actual mortality rate, while testing only people who are sick enough to be suspected and some of the people in contact with them is a recipe for wildly overestimating the mortality rate.

Am I missing something, or he confusing the lethality rate of those infected with an assumption that this bug is going to kill 1 out of every 200 people?

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Agreed. If the numbers are used correctly. And the experts in this field I’m sure can make all the proper adjustments.

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Seriously, there’s so much stuff that shitty people and companies get away with because no one wants to seem like a dick for complaining about it.

He’s responding to someone who suggested infecting everyone intentionally to get it over with.