Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Interview with the José Andres who took over cooking food for diamond princess passengers. This is useless.

Wait that was the only thing the did in the entire segment. They took a 10 minute break during this town hall to interview a celebrity chef. Cool.

Question: how do we separate coronavirus facts from the racist views that some face?

Here are anecdotes of racist incidents. The government says that this is a collective effort that everyone needs to do together.

Question: how does the virus affect children?

No answer really

Question: should we be concerned about products arriving via mail? How long does the virus live on surfaces?

It depends

What about money? On currency?

It can be

Questions: I’m booked for a cruise in several weeks, should I go?

Well you might get stuck there. “I’m not saying don’t go” - Anderson cooper

This is so so so fucking awful and useless

Better info in this thread than this CNN townhall.

Obama would at least go on TV and tell people to wash their hands and not touch their face. Trump is telling them everything is fine.


dont mind me asking

ksr meaning…

I don’t mean to stress you out more, but if you’re getting shingles you should def be taking reasonable precautions against coronavirus.


I’m sure he sang Happy Birthday twice between the previous patient and you.



My initials


KSR is also an acronym for kentucky sports (radio) podcast I listen to, was just curious.

Really? I have no idea and was shocked when I was told it was shingles. I thought only old people got it. Im in my 30s and healthy or at least I thought I was…

I just got the shingles vaccine. Woo hoo 50!


Missed the chance for a screenshot, but now youtube is officially doing more the the President of the United States to prep people for this. A pop up for latest info from the WHO when I last logged in.

Shingles is a sign that something is up with your immune system, which usually means you have a case of being old. If you’re so stressed out that you’re getting shingles then you really need to chill out for a bit, take a break. I am not a doctor, you should talk to your doctor about this. This is not a good time to be so stressed that your immune system isn’t up to par.

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He’s 96.8; I doubt he’s shaken many super-cold hands in his life

What do you mean by “out”? I hope you’re not leaving the site :(


I don’t feel like writing a long post, but earlier tonight my Asian-American girlfriend just got blatantly profiled on a flight from Salt Lake City to Seattle.

I guess she got on the plane, got settled in, and closed her eyes. Next thing she knew, a flight attendant was asking her if she felt ill, repeatedly badgering her about it. She was/is totally healthy and was not showing any signs except being Asian. She asked them why they picked her out to bother about it, of all the people who got on the plane and settled in to take a nap. No answer that made any sense at all.

(Delta, BTW.)


You’re still gonna post here, tho, right?


I basically expect to get coronavirus if it becomes as widespread as feared, because of how closely I work, as a bartender, with the public and their germs.

Additionally, I can’t wash my hands as often as suggested without serious consequences. Like many bartenders, I suffer from paronychia (bar rot), a skin condition of the cuticles and other areas of the fingers caused by working long hours with wet hands exposed to citrus, cleaning agents, and bacteria.

When it’s acting up, every hand-wash inflames it, so if I don’t limit my hand-washing to only when necessary, the skin on my hands thins, peels, and bleeds, leaving me susceptible to much worse than coronavirus.

Nor can I choose to work less. Think twice before telling people not to work if they are sick; many of us don’t have that luxury. I can afford to lose maybe two days of work a month - otherwise, I am going to fall behind, and although I have some exciting prospects this year, at the moment I have no additional income or means of support.

Remember: the working-class works when we are sick not because we want to, but because we have to.

All that I am changing in my routine is what I am able to: I am no longer frequenting my favorite breakfast spot, because most of the clientele is elderly and I don’t want to endanger them if I become a carrier.

That’s how coronavirus is affecting my life.

From a bartender on Facebook. Might want to avoid bars.


Just make José Andres a saint already

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Man this is a tough spot because it’s likely to go for a couple months, and may or may not stop in the summer and we may or may not have a vaccine next year. So I guess the question is whether or not you’re prepared to hold your kids back a year due to this.

I’m not pretending to have an answer, I just think that’s the way the question probably needs to be framed. It seems unlikely to be a “hold them out a few days and see” kind of situation.

Also, call your local government officials, reps in Congress, etc, and tell them they should order tests on their own because the feds are a mess.

Regarding your other post about the reality of this tipping point I’m totally with you and it’s depressing me and freaking me out to a new level regarding politics. What’s worse is that nobody gets it. I say shit to my friends/family and they act like I’m insane.